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Mr. Hendrick's POV

I stared at my monitor that had four camera scenes playing from earlier today. Chewing on the side of my thumb, I searched for the two new teachers. Something about them seemed off. While it was not impossible to have teachers come in after the school year had ended, these two seemed too aware. They noticed things that others haven't. They've been asking questions and digging into things that they shouldn't. Add in that they entered by someone above me and secret to even the School Commissioner, they were suspicious. They seemed too much like that gang that took over my school.

Leaning forward, I felt my eyes dry as I refused to blink. What I needed was something to show a link between the two groups. The crowd of students had separated to allow Gabriel Coleman to grab onto the blonde teacher while that little troublemaker Luke Taylor had grabbed a struggling boy-in-a-three-piece-suit and deposited him in front of my door. A few moments later, they appeared with Kota Lee. I scrubbed through the videos, finding the two teachers running into the group of teens.

A frown spread on my face as I noticed Mr. Blackbourne witnessing Gabriel defeating three boys and taking their drugs. Worry and frustration grew when Mr. Blackbourne followed Victor outside who climbed into a vehicle. A flash of blonde hair in the corner of the camera reminded me that Luke Taylor was watching them and Mr. McCoy.

I grunted in frustration, pushing my keyboard away from me. They were smart and had already attracted the attention of the teens. Fuck, I groaned in anger. It was just the first day, and they already knew too much.

A plan formulated in my head. There have been past teachers who tried to teach but left almost immediately. There were few because of the penalties of breaking their contract, but if I somehow got rid of these two teachers, I'd have enough time to get rid of these teens that have given me a headache for too long.

Grabbing my cellphone, I dialed a number. It rung for a few before a voice spoke. "Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte)?"

I sighed. A headache already forming and pounding in my head. "I need your help to get rid of two people."

A deep chuckle echoed in my ear. I could almost imagine him, leaning back in his leather chair and a haze of smoke surrounding him from his cigarette. A Russian voice seemed to ooze danger as he spoke. "It must be very important to call me. Tell me, Hendricks. Why should I kill for you?"

I growled. "$50,000 and I give you 50 kilos of the new JH drug."

"Now you're talking, my old friend." He laughed. "Send me the information."

Owen POV

"Owen," Sean whined from the passenger seat. "I'm hungry."

I gave a sharp sigh through my nose, tightening my grip on my steering wheel. I am so close to hitting his pressure point to knock him out, but he would probably expect me to do that. Then he would try to attack me, and we would fight in the front seats of my car. It won't be the first time, and it certainly will happen again. "Do you want to eat at Uncles?"

Sean brightened. "Hell, yeah! We haven't seen that man in some time. I'm starting to forget his name."

I refrained myself from rolling my eyes. "Because we've never called him by his first name. I believe that it starts with a K or F or C."

My best friend shrugged before twiddling with the radio. He stopped on a song and started to rock his head. My eye twitched. Gee, thanks, Sean. I wasn't at all listening to the news.

I groaned. "What. Are. You. Listening. To."

Sean responded by blasting the volume, turning towards me before belting, "My daddy put a gun to my head Said "if you kiss a boy I'm gonna shoot you dead" So I tied him up with gaffa tape And I locked him in a shed Then I went out to the garden And I fucked my best friend."

Sean wiggled his eyebrows at me which I returned with a deadpanned stare. I stared at him before saying. "No."

He laughed before continuing to sing to the song. I wouldn't admit it but I am glad that Sean is my best friend. He helped me loosen up while I helped knock some responsibility into his empty brain.

"Tic, tock, stop the clock Because I got the feeling that I'm gonna get shot," Sean halfed screamed half sang the chorus. I agreed that that sentence perfectly fit Sean. If someone wasn't going to do it soon, a certain trigger-happy Russian might, if I bribed him.

After the song finally ended, Sean lowered the volume and sighed. "I know that the school is in a great- and I mean, greaaaaaaaaaat- need of help, but how exactly did this mission land in our laps?"

I shrugged. "Dr. Roberts said that a person who wanted this mission over as soon as possible. He didn't say anything that could tell who it was."

We pulled into the diner's parking lot. Thankfully there weren't many people here and we arrived before dinner rush. I climbed out of my car, standing next to a black jeep. Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned, making sure my eyesight wasn't failing me. Sitting there in the passenger seat with its little feet perched onto the door was a skunk. Wide black eyes stared at me, and I almost felt my heart fail. My eyes twitched as the skunk's nose twitched, making me want to commit car vandalism and skunk-napping.

Was I hallucinating? Has Sean finally made me crazy? Was this mission driving me to insanity?

Sean came towards me, cooing at the adorable little creature that started to wave its black and white tail. "that is so adorable!!! God, Owen, we need to move before I'm tempted to take him."

With one last look, we moved away and entered the diner. A waitress smiled before telling us to take a seat. Sean and I moved towards a booth. We barely sat down before a waiter appeared before us.

"What's up? I'm Luke, and I'm your waiter. What would you like to dri- oh, hey, Mr. B and the Mad Doc!" The blonde boy smiled at us.

I froze, staring at him. If he was working here, does that mean he was Academy?

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