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Sean POV

A headful of blonde hair flew into my face, and I looked at the person I had bumped into. The new boy had shoulder length hair that was tied into a half-ponytail. His hair was silky looking against his light blue shirt which was paired with distressed black jeans. The stranger leaned back on his heels as his brown eyes full of mischief and secrets looked at me. After a long pause, a sharp look formed on his face before it transformed into a cheery expression. "Sorry."

I smiled at him, but for some reason I was also wary of him. He was acting as if his cheerfulness was forced. "No problem." I don't know why but something that North said popped into my mind. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

The stranger in front of me laughed before titling his head to the side slightly. He held his finger to his curved lips and closed one of his eyes. "I'm skipping."

Before I could speak, a voice spoke. "And you're caught." I turned to see Victor coming towards us. His fiery eyes looked at me with a stony look before looking at the boy in front of me. His exasperated sigh told me that the two knew each other. "I wonder if North knows about this."

The stranger in front of me rocked back and forth with a bright smile. "He doesn't."

A slight smile formed on Victor's face before it disappeared. "Sometimes I wonder how North got an idiot brother like you, Luke."

Luke pouted playfully. "You hurt me, Vic."

Victor rolled his eyes before starting to walk away. "Come on, Luke. See you around, Dr. Green."

I watched as the two continued to talk before they rounded a corner and disappeared. They were an odd pair, but they were no different than Owen and I. Oh, right, I wonder how he is doing. Turning, I started to hum a song that I heard on the radio as I made my way back towards the office we shared. Throwing the door open, I stopped humming when I took in Owen behind a stack of folders. Reaching out, I grabbed the top file and opened it. The face of the blonde haired fellow I had just met greeted me. Lucian Taylor, I mused as I looked at his profile. 17 years old. Family- North Taylor and...

"Sean," Owen spoke, tearing me from my perusal of this boy. A look was in his eyes. I sighed, knowing that look. He had seen something and wasn't sure what to make of it. "You notice it, right?"

I arched an eyebrow and closed my eyes. "You mean, that the principle is a dick; we get harassed every time we walk in crowds; or that the crowds are terrified of a few boys that they fight to get out of their way?"

Owen nodded and held out a file he had been staring at. "And why would a prodigy attend here? Almost an hour away from his house?"

I looked at the folder Owen had set in front of me. It was like a lightbulb turned on above my head. The face of a known piano prodigy in Charleston. "Victor Morgan? No wonder why he looked so familiar."

My best friend looked at me sharply. "You met him?"

I nodded. "While roaming the halls, I met the hallway monitor North who led me to Victor who helped me with my phone. He fixed the bug that has been irritating me for weeks."

He narrowed his eyes. "He has computer skills. And, North, what does he look like?"

I titled my head. Why would he want me to describe him? "Tall, dark, glowering. Stomps when he walks."

Owen pushed his glasses up his nose before walking over to the cabinet where he had placed his radio. He turned it on and raised the volume high. He talked softly so I could hear. "These boys that we keep meeting. They might have a part in supplying drugs to the school. I saw a boy called Gabriel fighting others and grabbing something looking like drugs. Later I saw him and this boy called North talk about something suspicious. I don't know what they said, but we need to be careful around them."

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