I'm the Bad Guy duh

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Owen POV

Green eyes looked at me, studying me as I was studying her. She was beautiful. She looked frail with her small and thin stature but even I could see the strength in her. Her hair was golden like the sun yet when she shifted her head, highlights of different shades of brown and red glimmered in the light. Her eyes were like fresh grass on a spring morning, yet what drew me was the look in her eyes. The shadows that lurked in those beautiful eyes told me that she wasn't that different from the boy beside her.

I recognized Gabriel as soon as I stepped inside the room. He was an enigma. He wasn't someone I expected to draw a lot of fear from yet he could take care of himself in a fight. He was familiar with North and seemed to be in intertwined with my mission.

I looked at the black hoodie that swamped her body. Realization burst through my head. She was the so called leader of the gang. She caught me looking at her in the hallway windows, and her eyes narrowed at me as we stood in silence.

I slightly narrowed her eyes as I drew myself up. I knew that I demanded perfection, but she seemed to glare and slump further into her seat. I stared at her. Other than Sean who threatened to actually put a stick up my ass when he first saw me, no one around my age tried to rebel against my challenge.

"Aren't you going to come in, teacher?" Gabriel smirked.

I let my mask fall down as I stepped in. "I am, Mr. Coleman. I was confused as to why there are two students when I know that I only have one student for this class. I believe you should get to your next class before the bell rings."

Mr. Coleman kept that smirk on his face and leaned back in his seat. "Unfortunately for you, I am in my next class. I pulled some strings and was able to transfer into this lovely class."

He spoke in a sarcastic tone as he looked at the class. The classroom was quite pitiful and run down. The walls were once painted white but now was a yellow. The ceiling looked as if there had been a leak and no one was concerned to change the ceiling tiles. The piano that was pushed into the corner was old and scratched. The once dark wood was now stripped by wear and time. The white keys were faded and now a yellow color, and the black keys were faded in some places where people had played often. In one corner was a locker which was propped open by a chair. Inside were music sheets that weren't protected by a binder or anything. The edges were frayed and crumpled and ripped.

After looking around the room, I focused back onto Mr. Coleman. "What instrument are you interested in playing?"

His smirk melted into one of pure happiness. "Guitar."

I nodded and looked at the two of them. "My name is Mr. Blackbourne. You can call me by either Mr. or Teacher. I know one of you. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Green eyes looked at me and she smiled as if she had her eyes on her prey. "Sang Sorenson."

I stared at her, daring her to look away. She didn't. "What instrument are you interested in playing, Ms. Sorenson?"

Her eyes roamed over me. It wasn't a flirty or sultry look, but a studying look. "What can you teach, Teacher Blackbourne?"

I felt myself want to smirk at her but withheld myself. She wasn't going to get an upper hand over me. "I can teach piano, guitar, bass, violin, and cello. Take your pick, Ms. Sorenson."

She smiled, and suddenly I couldn't breath at the sight. I won't deny it. She was beautiful and captivating. I frowned, worried about Sean. Would he be able to keep his corny words to himself or would he spout his useless sonnets to a girl who could be dangerous? I was betting on the latter. "Violin, Teacher Blackbourne. Show me what you got."

I narrowed my eyes before I noticed the gleam of laughter in Mr. Coleman's eyes. Before I could call him out on it, two angry voices spoke argued in the hallway. I could identify them as Mr. McCoy and Principal Hendricks. They seemed to be enraged.

"Find a way then. I want them out," Hendricks growled.

"I've been trying," McCoy yelled at him. "But we might have a problem."

"Another fucking problem?"

McCoy growled. "Stop spitting on me. And yes, another fucking problem. That new teacher has been following the prissy rich boy. If he continues, he might find out."

"Make sure he doesn't then. Isn't that your job, Mr. Security?"

"I've been trying, but that blonde lunatic boy has been following me everywhere. I'm about to go crazy. You try something, Mr. Principal! You're supposed to be in charge but you're being bossed around by that blond bitch."

Principal Hendricks growled and gritted out. "Be careful to who you're talking to. I still can fire you."

"try it," McCoy threatened. "You need me."

It was silent before Hendricks growled and punched the lockers. "Fine, but find a way to get rid of them. And the new teachers if needed. We can't let another person like Ms. Valer get away from us again."

As they walked away, I looked at the two students. It was plain that they were talking about Sang and the Seven guys around her. But what do the students have over the principal and faculty to have such a hatred? When I looked at them, I expected to have a worried look on their faces, but instead the expression on Ms. Sorenson's face shocked me. It was one of humor.

She leaned forward. "How do you like your first day so far?"

I looked at the two of them, trying to figure them out. "It's been a bit strange."

Ms. Sorenson shrugged. "This school can be quite strange. I'll give you a piece of advice, Teacher Blackbourne. Don't try to interfere. You'll get hurt."

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged. "I can tell that you and Mr. Green are the type to help others. If you try to help certain ones, you two will be in trouble. Don't try to provoke Hendricks or McCoy. This might be a school but it's more evil than a prison. Take my advice and get the hell out of this hellhole."

She finished as she and Gabriel stood up. They moved towards the door. I frowned. "Why?"

They reached the door. She opened the door and turned to smile at me over her shoulder. "Because I don't want to see you or your friend get hurt. I still have some humanity in me, but don't forget what Victor said."

I looked at her in confusion. "What did he say?"

She looked at me with sharp green eyes. "Like Victor said to your friend, we aren't the good guys. I'm the bad guy duh. Anyway watch your back because in this hellhole you'll need eyes in the back of your head."

A/N: I hope that you guys like this update. I think that you guys would appreciate the title of this chapter. Please comment and like. I hope that you guys enjoyed it.

<3 Azallya

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