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Owen POV

I walked the halls while class was in session. The image of that person in the hoodie kept popping inside my mind. What was drawing me so much to that person? What was those seven boy's relationship to that person? What were their roles in this school from hell?

As I stepped into the hallway that Sean's Japanese class was, a class door was thrown open and banged loudly against the wall. A middle aged man that resembled the oily Mr. McCoy came storming from Sean's classroom with an angry expression on his face. He walked by me, apparently too angry to notice me. I hurriedly pressed myself against the wall. I remembered the information we got from the Academy about Mr. McCoy. He was in the military before getting dishonorably discharged. He got this job from a friend. Although there had been many reports about him and his actions, they always seemed to be dropped. He was a prime suspect in the fraud and drug issue.

My thoughts were disrupted when the door opened again and I saw Mr. Victor Morgan step into the hallway, cradling his arm. He leaned against the wall of lockers as Sean stepped from the room. My best friend spoke. "Does it hurt?"

Victor's stance clearly told me that he was guarded against everyone. "I'm fine. I'm used to these bruises."

I felt my lips press together in agitation. Sean's voice was shocked. "Are you being abused?"

I heard Mr. Morgan pushing himself away from the lockers. As he walked towards my direction, he spoke. Mr. Morgan walked past me, towards the exit. "I'm fine, Dr. Green, and no, I'm not being abused. You be careful in what you're doing, Doc, or you won't last long at this school. Because we aren't the good guys."

As he turned a corner and disappeared, I stepped away from the wall and into Sean's sight. Sean straightened when he saw me and jogged towards me. "You need to follow him. Mr. McCoy said that there was a man waiting for Victor outside."

"Sean, wh-"

He interrupted me. Yes, he interrupted me a lot while being silly, but right now he was serious. "Now, Owen. Something is happening, and I'm not too sure what's going on."

I nodded before turning and hurrying after Victor. I made my way down the stairs and outside where I saw Victor walking towards a man leaning against a car. The car was a black suv, and the man who was leaning against the car had a cap and sunglasses on. Although the cap and sunglasses hid his facial features, I knew that he worked out. I could tell that his hair was a blonde-brown. He wore a black t-shirt and jeans. His muscles bulged from beneath his clothes.

I felt my suspicion grow when the man opened the passenger door. When Victor got in, he jogged to the other side. The car didn't start or move, but I could definitely tell that the stranger and Mr. Morgan were having a conversation. I felt a tinge of curiosity when I saw the student named North approach the car. The passenger window rolled down and I saw the three of them exchange words before North handed the stranger the bag with drugs in it that I saw him with earlier with Gabriel. North and the stranger clasped hands before the student turned around and headed back to the school. I continued to watch Victor and the stranger. Suddenly, the man grabbed Victor and pulled him into a hug. Victor latched onto the man's clothes, nodding while wiping at his face.

I frowned as I watched Victor step out of the car and walk back to the school as the stranger drove off. Were the rumors that Mr. Morgan was gay true? Was that his partner? North had just given the bag of drugs to this man so was he involved in this drug problem.

"What are you doing there?" A voice barked out at me. Forcing my expression to go into an icy mask, I turned around to face a furious Mr. McCoy who eyed me in suspicion. "Mr. Blackbourne, do you have business outside?"

I glared at him. "I don't need to have your permission to be outside, do I, Mr. McCoy?"

He glared back at me. "No, but don't do anything bad. We don't need you snooping around and poking your nose into things. A piece of advice. Don't get close to that bitch and her boy toys. They'll just get you into trouble."

I raised an eyebrow at his words, but he seemed angrier and stomped away. A flash of color made me turn my head where I saw Luke Taylor staring at us. He was watching Mr. McCoy walk away before his head turned towards me suddenly. His eyes flashed coldly and dangerously before it transformed into a goofy smile. He waved at me before skipping away.

I sighed as the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. I walked back into the hallways that were starting to fill with students. I had a few minutes to make it to my office then to the class that I was teaching. I frowned when I got to the office Sean and I shared because the door was unlocked. I was sure that I had locked it. Maybe Sean came by and forgot to lock the door. Opening the door, I looked around, making sure that nothing was out of place. None of the student's folders were moved. As I turned around, my foot knocked against my briefcase, sending it across the floor.

I sighed, picking it up. Getting my music sheets, I locked the door again before walking towards the music room that I had set aside for the personal music class. My mind was on this case as I walked towards the classroom. As I opened the door, I suddenly realized. My briefcase shouldn't have been so close to the door when I placed it underneath my desk. So how did it get beside the door?

I looked up to see my two students already seated. As I entered, I noticed the foul mouthed student named Gabriel and the person in the hoodie from this morning, but as I looked at the person, I felt myself freeze because those green eyes were so entrancing.

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