Class Interrupted

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Sean POV

I sighed as I made my way up the stairs to the second floor towards the classroom that was to be mine for the semester to teach Japanese.. I was a bit tired after running towards the opposite side of the campus and up a flight of stairs. I jumped up the last two steps before opening the door. As I opened the door, I was startled at the two figures that stood a few feet away.

"Oh!" I said, smiling. I recognized the giant with his arm bandaged. "Hello, Mr. Korba. I don't believe you're in my class, are you?"

Silas shook his head. "Not me."

"It's a shame," Dr. Green said. "Learning a third language would look good on a resume."

The student shrugged, looking down the hallway. That's one thing I noticed about the eight guys I met. They were always watching as if something was about to go wrong.

Looking away from the male student, I looked at the person with Silas. I felt interest go through me at the sight of the tiny person. I wasn't sure if it was a girl or a very short guy. The large black hoodie the student was wearing covered any womanly curves most women had. Behind the hoodie's hood, a pair of lips and a jaw were the only things I could see. I could feel the person's eyes look at me, and I smiled. "Are you attending my class?"

The student nodded before turning towards Silas. There was an unspoken conversation between the two, but apparently Silas could understand what his companion was motioning. I felt a smirk appear on my face. By the way they were acting, they seemed to be a well-oiled unit.

Silas pulled out his phone. It was the newest iPhone with a dark blue case. "Victor is on his way."

His companion waved a hand, and Silas smiled. "Fine. Just so you know, I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about others when your alone."

His companion playfully shoved him before Silas started to walk down the hallway. As he reached the end of the hallway, the door behind me opened, making me turn. I smiled as Victor seemed surprised to see me standing in front of the stair door. His eyes narrowed as he made his way towards his friend.

I smiled. "Well then, shall we, my dear students?"

The two entered the room before me, and I was amused as the seating area. There were thirty students in a forty chaired classroom, yet everyone seemed to be crowding towards the front and edges far away from Victor and his friend who sat in the very back.

I moved towards the chalkboard and wrote my name in English. I finished by writing my Japanese name below that. I turned towards the class. "Good afternoon, class."

I could hear two soft voices answer me from the back. I laughed. "I think my class is missing. Did no one show up today? I'll have to mark everyone as absent. I believe I said good afternoon."

The room chorused a low murmuring 'good afternoon' in reply. If they think that this was going to be an easy A-class like basic Spanish, they were going to regret taking me.

"This won't do," I said. Already five minutes in, and I felt like raking my nails against the chalkboard. "I'm here to teach you Japanese. I can't very well teach you English, too." I folded his arms behind his back and walked up through an aisle between two rows of desks. Students hurried to place their cellphones or pot under their desks. "We'll be taking a lot of time to discuss Japan and the culture and of course, the language. You'll be practicing with your classmates."

I made a loop around behind the back row of desks behind Victor and his partner and strolled toward the front of the class. "Before we start, I will do role call. If you don't say 'yes' or 'hai', I will mark you as absent."

"Quentin Aldron," I called out, marking the name when I saw a scrawny looking guy speak. One by one, I crossed off the names that wasn't Victor's friend's name. The process of elimination became very handy right now. "Victor Morgan."

"Hai," he said in an almost bored tone, but he was the first to say 'yes' in Japanese.

I smiled. I won't deny I wasn't mesmerized when I saw his friend's lips turn into a smile. It didn't matter if the person was a guy or a girl, but those pair of lips were made for kissing. I winced, almost imagining Owen nagging on me for thinking such thoughts. About five names down, I spoke, "Sang Sorenson."

The whole class seemed to be on the edge of their seats. A smirk was on my face. I found your name at last. Sang. It was unusual and was could be either a male or female name.

"Hai, Midori-sensei,' a voice called out. (A/N: Midori means Green in Japanese)

I felt my heart pound at the unexpected sound. It was soft and sweet, but it wasn't so soft that I couldn't hear her speak, and it wasn't so sweet that it sounded fake. It was perfect and cute and feminine. Now all I needed was to see her face.

I tilted my face up. "Ah, Arigatō, Sorenson-san."

As I finished role call, I pulled out a stack of papers. "As such, I think right now is the time to select a partner. I want you to work on a project for me."

There was a collective groan.

"Groaning is not a word. In this class, we use our words to express ourselves. And get ready for it. A month from now, we won't be using English at all. If you can't say it in formal Japanese, you won't be able to do anything. That includes permission to leave my classroom." I rocked on my feet in front of the room, a soft smile on my face. I could tell that some of the students gulped at the meaning behind my friendly smile. "But for now, pick a partner. I want you to prepare a list of things you both already know about Japan. I want to see how much my students know about the place we will be studying."

As I passed out the blank sheets of paper to the students, the classroom door opened. I turned around, aware that it wasn't a late student since everyone was here. I frowned at the unfamiliar man. The man wore a brown corduroy suit. He wore thin wire glasses over watery eyes. He had brown hair and a bristle mustache. He wore a light brown pair of slacks and an oddly colored orange plaid tie. A light red stain was smeared on his collar, making me instantly dislike him.

I forced a smile to my face as I walked towards the man. "Hello, I'm Dr. Green. Is there something I can help you with, Mr...?"

The man looked down at me and sneered. "McCoy. I'm the Vice Principle and Head Security. There is a man waiting for Mr. Morgan outside."

I glanced at Victor who was whispering to Sang. Sang nodded, and Victor gathered his bag and walked towards the door. Before he could step out the door, Mr. McCoy shocked me by roughly grabbing the student's arm. Before the whole class, the Vice Principle growled. "You better watch who you bring onto campus, rich boy."

I stepped forward, concerned. "Mr. McCoy, I believe you shouldn't handle him like this."

Mr. McCoy shot me a disgusted look. "Do you know what these bastards do? They act as if they own this school. They-"

He was interrupted by the sound of a bang. All of us looked towards the back where Sang had fisted her hand and had banged it against her desk. I couldn't see her face but I knew that she was angry. "Mr. McCoy." She said in a cold, deadly tone.

The man who seemed to be dominating became awkward. Suddenly as if he was burned, he withdrew his hand from around Victor's arm. Before anything else could be done, he glared at Sang before glaring at me then Victor. "Just watch it." With those words, he stormed out.

The class seemed to still into awkward silence. I sighed, trying to make sense of the situation. I looked at Victor. "Please wait for me outside." As he walked outside the classroom, I turned towards the rest of the class. "While I'm out for a moment, continue your project."

The class started to softly murmur as I walked out to see Victor leaning against the wall of lockers. He was cradling his arm that McCoy had grabbed. "Does it hurt?"

Victor looked at me with a guarded look. "I'm fine. I'm used to these bruises."

I stared at him in shock. "Are you being abused?"

He smirked before pushing himself away from the lockers. As he walked away, he spoke into the empty hallway. "I'm fine, Dr. Green, and no, I'm not being abused. You be careful in what you're doing, Doc, or you won't last long at this school. Because we aren't the good guys."

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