Chapter 12

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The dream felt so real and now I know what I want. The knocking sounds again and apparently I wasn't dreaming that part.

I go to open the door and I see an unfamiliar face looking back at me.

"Savannah is it?"

"What's it to you?"

"Oh little girl have you not wondered why your friends had an extra cruise ticket? You're Navy's roommate correct?" The unknown female responded.

"Again I ask, what is it to you?"

"I'm sorry, how rude of me. My name is Whit, the girl that was suppose to have your ticket."


After the shock wore off I regained my composure "What do you mean"

"I'm sure you have put some stuff together, although from what I gathered this past semester you are naïve and a prude. I'm shocked to see you here in my place" Whit moves to sit on my bed, I have a big lump forming in my throat.

"I still have no idea what you are talking about" this girl is really starting to scare me as I start to look around for my phone. I really have no idea how I got back here therefor I have no idea where my stuff is.

"Savannah, I'm the one you replaced, the one they have tried to replace multiple times but in the end they always come running back to me" Whit states making herself comfy in my room meanwhile I am freaking out.

Whit crosses her legs on my bed while looking me up and down making me feel uneasy.

"I have no idea what you are talking about or what you are doing here but please leave." I try to stay firm but there has just been so many changes in my life I don't know how much longer I can keep it up. 

"Sav, is it okay I call you that? I've been watching you with my friends this whole time. You may know they stay within their group but I prefer to explore my options. They've cut me out many times and have tried to find replacements but I will warn you it never works out and they always come back. Especially Asher and Knox. We are like a drug to each other, none of use can get enough. As much as I love them and they love me too. I still want to explore more."

Whit starts walking towards me and I take a step back each time she takes a step to me until I'm back against a wall.

"What does this have to do with me" I managed to croak out while she places both hands to the wall pining me in.

"They all seem smitten by you more so than the others and I just want to give you a heads up of what's coming. They will leave you high and dry for me. I don't care if you're a virgin or not. They may be hurt right now but they will come back and that's a promise. Just be prepared" Whit licks along my neck moaning after.

Surprising me when she crashes her lips against mine.

"I can see why they are all so obsessed with you but you need to back off or I will come for you."


The next morning while we are sitting on the private island for the last day I can't help but blurt out "Who is Whit?"

Everyone chokes on their food and I see Knox and Asher glaring at me. "Why would you ask that" Knox snaps. I think about backing down but after my night I refuse to be the girl who just sits down and keeps her mouth shut.

"You didn't answer me. Who is she" everyone is very tense, Asher and Knox look angry with me. "Fuck. Savannah. Why are you bringing her up?" Asher snaps.

Their responses told me everything I needed to know. I'm just a fucking substitute in their group, just like Whit told me. I feel sick to my stomach. What was I thinking. I'm so in over my head. How could this experienced group want me to join. It was just a game for them.

Asher and Knox look so pissed off and the rest of the group is just avoiding my eyes. I'm tired of them playing with me, playing with my mind.

"You know what, your faces show it all" and with that being said I get up and leave to my room.



"Daddy please get me home"


Sorry for a short chapter and taking so long but I've been a little busy lately, let me know what you think, what will happen next, and who is your favorite character?

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