Chapter 24

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2 weeks later

Swallowing some pills down with the remainder of my bottle of tequila from the night before, I throw on some sweat pants and a baggy hoodie not bother to fix my hair and make up.

On my way out of the door I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, not wanting to see what I've become I punch it, one time. Two times. Three times. And many more until I start to feel the drugs kick in making me feel numb inside, a feeling I'm all too use to now. The only feeling I want to feel.

My phone starts ringing just as I approach my door, I throw my phone across the room and turn away from the door. Not today, I can't face anyone, so instead I grab a bottle of wine and start drinking right from the bottle. This has become my routine, I try to leave and then someone calls me or I get a text or someone is even waiting outside for me to open my door, so I just turn around grab a bottle and curl up on the couch trying not to think about that day and how I brought it on myself by posting that ad.

At first I didn't remember much about that day but when I came back to Knox was there screaming at me "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID" "YOUR DUMB SAV REALLY FUCKING DUMB" "NO SHIT HE RAPED YOU" as he was pacing around pulling at his hair. The rest of the group couldn't even meet my eyes and definitely didn't stand up for me during Knoxs rant. So I just stood up and walked out, ripped clothes in all, they tried to come after me but I just ran, ran as far away as I could. Once I lost them I started hearing what people around campus had to say about me and it wasn't far off from what Knox was saying some were even saying I deserved it for posting such a "thirst trap" AD. I couldn't help but think they were right.

I eventually started to remember what happened right before I blacked out, I remember the guy touching me ripping my clothes and entering me only to be ripped right off me dropping me to the ground where I'm assuming I hit my head.

I don't know if it was my fault I mean yes I posted that AD I thought but that doesn't give anyone the right to just touch me and grope me the way countless guys did that day and one taking it way too far in the middle of daylight like that.

Right there in the middle of campus I almost started to break down until my savior came to me, she whisked me away to her apartment and told me not to listen to any of those people, told me to take a shower, gave me some clothes, some pills to make the pain stop. Once the numbness took over we started drinking and dancing not giving a shit about anyone or anything. My beautiful savior is my new best friend Mads.

Speaking of which she should be here any moment. Just as I was thinking that I hear the door to my apartment open and Mads loud mouth "OH SAVVY, I come bearing goods my little hermit friend" she sings as she puts down some more alcohol bottles on my counter and pulls out a baggy of pills, I hand her some cash as I pop another pill followed by some wine. "What's is face is out ther.... Woah what happened to you" her already pale face gets even paler as she takes me in, confused I look down and see blood all over me and running down my knuckles. I start laughing uncontrollably "Oh Whit didn't even realize I was bleeding, just a little blood no biggie. Got into a fight with the mirror" I slurr and sway a bit. From the drugs, alcohol, or blood loss who knows. "Just a little? You're almost as pale as me come on we need to get you to the hospital"

"NO. No hospital, they will call my parents and then my parents will see what a fuck it their perfect little daughter is and take me away"

"Okay well my friend is in the nursing program and just transferred let's at least pay him a visit" I just shrugged and took another long sip from my bottle before setting it down "Ready mother" I say with a giggle as she picks up the wine and chugs some swallowing a pill down as well. "Let's go".

She opens the door wide and I am face to face with 7 people I have not wanted to see. "Move" is all I say to them as I try to push by them.

"You look like shit"

"Thanks Brodie. Leave"

I feel someone's rough but gentle hands grab my own hands and when I look up I am met with Everett's brown eyes, there is a hint of sadness in them. "Let me look at your hands, me and you can just go inside and I can take care of you. Please Savannah" my heart tugs at the sadness in his eyes and I don't know if it's because I'm so out of it right now or if it's because even after everything I still loves these guys so with a sigh I agree "Fine but only you." He nods and I open the door farther to let him through just when everyone else started to say something I slammed the door in their faces.

"Okay I feel a lot of tension and believe this is going to be so incredibly awkward so I'm gonna go and catch up with you later"


"Bye Savvy love you too" and just like that I'm alone with Everrett. He takes in my apartment but is smart enough not to make any comments about its current state and just follows me into the bathroom, he says nothing as he cleans my hands and wraps them. I'm starting to come down from my high just as he finishes up so I go to grab a pill but his hand stops me and again I am trapped in his brown eyes.

"Please Savannah don't do this to yourself, let us help you."

"Help me. Where were you guys after everything happened and Knox was freaking out on me. You couldn't even look at me. None of you could and none of you stood up for me." I screamed as tears starting falling down my face. "Yes I fucked up but I didn't deserve that." I cry as I fall too the ground with my knees too my chest and my hands cupping my head "I didn't deserve it" I whispered.

"You didn't deserve it Savannah and I'm so sorry none of us stood up for you but I'm here now and I want to fight for you. I don't want to see you lose yourself. I want to see that sweet spark back in your eyes, I want my Savannah back." Everett pulls my hands away from my face and forces my eyes to meet his, tears are falling down his face now too "I miss you so much and I'm so sorry for everything." 

"I wish I never met you guys, this is all your fault"

"Savannah you know that's not true. Come back to me, to us" he pushes his forehead against mine and I can't help but look at his lips so close to me. Both of us emotional messes and I do the only thing that makes sense to me right now, the only thing I think I need. I pull him in and kiss him hard. At first he's shocked but then kisses back with so much force, he lifts me up and carries me to my room. I taste the saltiness from our tears as they mix into our kiss, he lays me on my bed and I start to take off his shirt but he grabs my hand stopping me.

"We can't Savannah. I can't take advantage of you like this." His forehead is on mine again and both of our breathing his heavy.

"Please. I need this." I look him in the eyes pleading with my own, I can see it in his eyes the battle he's fighting with himself. "I need you Ev. Help take this pain away"


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