chapter 17. clyde and the anniversary gift

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Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of searching through a haze of sweat, testosterone, and violence, still to no avail.

Stupid author. How is it possible that a six feet something, fairly attractive man is so hard to find?

"Our fight is up next! You aren't trying to leave, are you?" A venomous voice shouts, slicing through the noise of the audience and reaching the ears of those even in the outskirts of the room.

After twenty minutes— finally.

Swinging my head towards the direction of the commotion, I start slipping my way through the crowd and towards the center of the room. Once I'm able to get a clear view, I spot a large, muscular man looking down at the Gang Leader. Besides him is Brie and Evan, the former with a terrified look on her face and the latter with an irritated one. Knowing that it's soon going to be time to insert myself into the scenario, I hop over the ropes of the ring and join Brie and Evan without drawing too much attention to myself.

"What happened?" I whisper to Evan.

"Cayden is supposed to fight a rematch next round, but he's trying to cancel because of the ransom note," Evan explains. "The opponent isn't letting Cayden leave because he wants to 'regain his honor' or some shit."

Like clockwork, a gang of men jump into the ring at the end of Evan's explanation and grab the three of us by surprise. The man holding me squeezes me in a chokehold, one arm around my neck while the other uncomfortably restrains my arms behind my back.

"If you don't fight me, your little friends are going to suffer." The opponent snarls, crossing his arms across his chest and raising his chin in menacing amusement. "Starting with the pretty girls, of course."

"Pretty? Phew." I sigh in relief.

Evan doesn't seem to take his words as jokingly as I did. Before I can even blink, he's already headbutted his guy, blood flying as he whips around and punches him clean in the jaw.

Immediately, this cues the entire room to burst into wild chaos— blood curdling screams pierce the air, spectators run every which way for their own safety, and unrelated fights even break out in different corners of the room. In the center of the ring, the Gang Leader and his opponent lunge for each other, painting the air around them with their violence. But even with all this dizzying commotion, Evan doesn't waste any time and finishes up with his guy, already moving towards Brie and the man holding her.

Leaving me to deal with my guy.

"So..." I start off, nodding awkwardly at the gruesome conflict breaking out around us, "... how was your day so far?"


"No... and she said she wanted you out of the house because you didn't get her a gift for your anniversary?" I ask in shock.

"I don't know what to do. How can I tell her I've been trying to save up money by working two jobs and illegally betting on fights to buy her that expensive ring she wanted?" The man who was previously holding me, but had long let me go so we could have a nice face-to-face conversation, sighs in regret. "She won't believe me!"

"I'm sure she'll understand if you're sincere about it. Show her the math, apologize, shower her with affections and promises. How can you say she won't believe you if you haven't tried giving her the opportunity to?" I point out. "And, after all, this is fiction. I'm sure you'll have your happy ever after in the end."

"You're right. I haven't even tried explaining it to her," he slowly realizes, shaking his head.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

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