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Teen fiction is a form of escapism, perhaps the most dangerous form: the unruly plots, the superiority complexes, the reckless love. It can make one believe that anything is possible.

But it's aimless. The end goal, shallow as it is, is passion that never fades until after the last page. What most main characters are daring enough to call love.


Being the main character of a teen fiction is embarrassing enough— I've always wanted to do something more, be something more, rather than have love and adolescent thrill dictate my life. And though the form it's presented in is rather catastrophic, the opportunity is now here. As the main character of my teen fiction, I have to save everyone before it's too late. And nothing's going to stop me.

Besides Evan and his six-foot-something frame

"You bozo. Move out of the way," I demand, stepping from side to side in an attempt to walk past him. But he matches my movements, blocking me from the exit of the school.

"No," he states stoically, crossing his arms across his chest.

"No? What's wrong with you?" I shout, punching his arm. The rest of the West Rose Academy's student body file around him like how a stream of water diverges around a jutting rock, yet converges again soon after.

"We have an assignment to do, remember, Lockhart?"

"Lockhart?" I repeat incredulously, before it dawns on me. This isn't Evan. It's the Bad Boy. Good thing I updated both him and Brie about the real world person situation before this. "What assignment?"

"We have to go on a fake date and spark our passion. You up for it?" He smirks, holding out his hand like a challenge. "Or are you scared?"

Fake date? I frown, thinking long and hard about when this was assigned. Even with the significant decrease in the number of my love interests, I cannot for the life of me remember any of the plotlines.

Chapter 13. Playing Romeo and Juliet comes with the need for passion and romance between not only characters, but the two of you, as well. And because of this, I'm giving you a bonus assignment: you must hang around each other, go on dates, and develop a fake relationship in order to truly get into character.

"Dude, I'm not scared. I just have more important things to attend to. Now, move." I slap his hand down, dashing around him and towards my freedom.

To my luck, he loses me in the crowd, but not before I hear him shout, "I'm picking you up at 6 for dinner tonight. Be ready."

I roll my eyes as I slip farther and farther away, blending into the rest of the background characters. Like hell I am.


Brie drops me at home alone. After making us wait for fifteen minutes like the little shit she is, Jasmine oh so courteously decided to send me the vaguest texts, like she always does.

Today 2:56 PM

go home without me i'll be back later

don't tell mom

bro where are you going






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