chapter 15. is chocolate or strawberry better?

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"Brie. How could you say that?" I mutter accusingly, taking a step back from her. With this new information, I can't see her in the same light again— not after this. "How can you possibly call chocolate 'okay'? It is the best thing to exist, ever!"

"It's not my thing." Brie shrugs apologetically. "I like fruity flavors. Like strawberry."

"How could strawberry be better than chocolate?" I whisper in disgust.

"Chocolate's too heavy. Strawberry, on the other hand..."

My mind tunes out Brie's rambling, unwilling to listen to her completely crazy stance— chocolate is better than strawberry, any day. As my eyes absentmindedly wander across the emptying halls, a spark of gold catches my attention, along with the familiar couple that appears with it.

"Xavi! Ruby!" I call out, waving genially.

Brie huffs from beside me, crossing her arms. "Are you even listening to me?"

Xavi and Ruby brush past the few students and make their way towards me, with Ruby warmly smiling back at me and Xavi mumbling about how that isn't his name. Ignoring him, I take it as my responsibility to introduce Brie to them, especially since there wasn't any time to do so last time.

"Brie, this is Xavi and Ruby, a billionaire werewolf and his secretary. Xavi and Ruby, Brie. Mean girl turned best friend."

"Iris," Brie says slowly, turning to me in confusion, "who are you talking to?"

I frown. "Xavi and Ruby. Standing right there."

Xavi clears his throat, snapping my attention to him. "She can't see us."

"Can't see you? What do you mean?"

He shakes his head, letting out an irritated breath as he glances to Ruby in frustration. "We don't have time for this."

"Iris," Ruby speaks up, "can we sit down somewhere to talk? We have important things to discuss."

"Sorry. I have to go tutor the Quarterback right now," I say regretfully, giving them a tight smile.

"What we have to say is a lot more important," Xavi states firmly. "Come on."

"How do I know you're not trying to kidnap me because I'm your mate or something?" I question skeptically, taking a step back as I glance over them in suspicion. With the author's track record, I honestly wouldn't even be surprised at this point.

"You? My mate?" Xavi genuinely laughs, shaking his head in disbelief. "Fuck no."

"Then why do you two want to talk to me alone? You can do it right here, Xavi."

He scowls at me, before swinging his head to Ruby. "I can't deal with her. Why the hell did Caspian send us on a mission to deal with a sixteen year old girl? Couldn't James and Maddie, or hell, even Tylar do it?"

"I'm eighteen," I correct.

"She's cute." Ruby chuckles softly, patting Xavi's arm to calm his irrational exasperation. "You just have anger issues."

"I agree." I nod enthusiastically, snickering at his annoyance.

"Iris, you're catching a ride with me, right?" Brie asks, pulling at my backpack. I nod. "My chauffeur is here. Done talking with your imaginary friends yet?"

I turn to Xavi and Ruby, an apologetic smile on my face. "Sorry, but can we discuss whatever you wanted to talk about later? I have to go, " I explain, waving to them as Brie pulls me down the hall. "Bye Ruby! Bye Xavi!"

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