Home Sweet Home

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As per usual, I was sat at home reading some X-men comics in my room, blasting music throughout the empty house. It was a normal thing, foster parents off doing god knows what, me enjoying my day when as expected, the police showed up outside the house. This time only, I couldn't see the two who were usually handcuffed in the backseat.

I began, 'What happened this time?'

The officer started, 'They were drink driving and got into an accident, they died Kayla. Have you got any family that'll take you in again before I have to take you to the adoption centre?' I didn't really know how to react, I mean sure they were assholes but no one deserved death. My mind was on overdrive and I was trying to think of a place where I could stay.

Quickly, I grabbed the phone and dialled the number I so frequently called, 'Who's calling?'

I rolled my eyes saying 'Its Kayla, you know you should seriously be nicer when answering the phone Harrington.'

'Kayla? Well its not my fault, you don't usually call until Sunday.'

'Still, anyways you know how we talked about best or maybe worst case scenario where I have to move back to Hawkins?'


'Come on kid I havent got all day.' One of the officers said.

I waved him off continuing my conversation, 'Yeah well that kinda happened and I need a place to stay, I was wondering if my room would still be up for grabs?'

'Yeah of course, I'll be waiting for you, don't be too long Gatsby, it's a school night.' Steve mused.

'Oh shut up Harrington, I'll see you soon.'

'Adios, ami.'

'Steve, that's Spanish and French.' I said, laughing down the phone. He scolded me before hanging up in embarrassment.

I packed my bag, that mainly consisted of tracksuits, jeans, shorts, dress shirts, t-shirts and jackets. I put my skateboard under my arm and picked up my duffel bag. As I was leaving, I picked up the keys to my dirt bike, took the money from my foster dads safe and left. Swinging my bike into the boot.

'Where to Gatsby?' The officer said.

'Hawkins, Indiana.'

I put my walkman on and relaxed, letting the music play before sleep consumed my senses. As I awoke, I saw a sign that said Welcome to Hawkins, Indiana.

I arrived on the doorstep of the Harrington residence and knocked on the door, before I could even let out the words 'Hey' she was pulled into a suffocating hug from Steve.

During the hug, he said 'I've missed you troublemaker!'

Chuckling lightly I begun, 'I've missed you too Steve, but can I quickly put my dirt bike in your garage before I get robbed?'

He simply nodded before taking my duffel bag inside. It felt just like before, like nothing had changed, the walls were still a clean white, the living room with the corner sofa and the recliner still sitting on the other side of the little table where all the drink would go.

After examining the house I asked, 'Is it cool if I go put my stuff in my room?' Holding up my skateboard with a smile.

Steve turned around,, passing my duffel bag saying, 'Yeah sure, you remember where it is right?' 'I specifically told my parents not to change a single thing so it'd be the exact same, your grey walls with all of your posters, your TV, your wardrobe and the little fridge in the corner of the room.'

I gave Steve a grateful look he hadn't coloured the walls pink when he heard I was coming back because I wouldn't put it past him. I probably would have gagged if I saw that. 'You better have not, it's perfect just the way it is.'

'Dude you're talking about your room as if it's your girlfriend.'

'My room is my fortress of solitude, I'd cry if it was changed.' I said, laughing.

'Oh but I was going to paint it all pink and change your sheets to match it?'

I snorted, 'You'd be dead Harrington.'

'Oh come on I was joking, but I did put something "girly" in there.' He teased.

'Oh my god, what did you do?'

'Well technically girly... I think.' Steve said, scratching his head.

'Its a playboy isn't it?' I guessed, amused.

'Maybe?' Steve said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes but smiled because Steve and one of my old friends Will Byers were the only ones that knew that I was gay, they were the only ones I stayed in touch with, so being told over the phone was a shock. Obviously it was a bit awkward when I told them but they accepted me and explained that it wouldn't make a difference. After putting my clothes in the wardrobe, taking a quick peek at the newest playboys and putting my keys on the side,

I said, 'Ice cream and movie night?' I was already at ease back in my own home, it felt normal.

Steve smiled jumping over the sofa, 'Its a Sunday,' leaving me with suspense and doubt, 'Of course movie night, that's what the weekends are for, I was just messing with you.' He chuckled making me punch him in the arm, 'Asshole,' Seeing Steve rub his arm I continued laughing a little, 'Still can't take punches from a girl?'

He retaliated back, 'Still never kissed one?' He knew he touched a sore subject when he saw I wasn't smiling anymore, 'Hey, hey what happened when you were gone?'

I inhaled deeply thinking about whether to tell Steve or not. Might as well get it over with it's not like it was anything special, I thought bitterly as I began speaking, 'Well see there was this girl, her name was Lily, I loved it, just like my mother Daisy. We had been close for years, but when I was eleven there was this inexplainable feeling. For over a year, every time I saw her, butterflies filled my stomach, her smile, her eyes, it was all beautiful. That was all until last year, when I kissed her, she pushed me away, started shouting slurs at me and slapped me. Great reaction i know. We never spoke again but I mean bullet dodged right.' I said blinking profoundly to rid the tears threatening to spill.

Steve looked down in sympathy, he grabbed a tissue and let me wipe my eyes, before I knew it, I was pulled into a tight hug, after a few minutes Steve stopped stroking my hair, lifted my face up and said, 'Don't worry about it okay, I'm here for you, I'll always be here,' he made a weak smile, 'Hey, at least you didn't get told your relationship is bullshit and she never loved you.' Steve said with a small tear dropping down his cheek.

'For fucks sake, not Nancy? She was supposed to be the one. No way, I'm going over there to tell her about herself.'

Steve pulled her back down into the seat chuckling slightly, 'I still love her, don't ruin any chance of me getting her back troublemaker.'

I managed to stifle a laugh too and said, 'Only for my Stevie boy.' I said patting his hair because I knew he hated being called 'Stevie'.

'Oh really Kaykay,' he blurted out knowing I hated that name too.

I instantly grabbed him, put him in a headlock and said, 'Behave yourself and watch the damn movie before I change my mind and keep you in this headlock for the rest of the night.'

Steve looking her with an annoyed face yet smiling, he knew I could take him down so decided to watch the film. We watched film after film and fell asleep on the sofa at at least 3am, we completely forgot that it was a school night so its gonna be great waking up tomorrow.


1328 words. Enjoy :)

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