El's gross leg

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So I'm not going to lie to you, everything that happened after that was all a little bit drowsy. Slipping in and out of consciousness for god knows how long is a mind fuck. The next thing I can remember is pulling up outside of Starcourt Mall because Nancy took a sharp turn that nearly sent me flying out of the window. So here we are because apparently whilst I was slowly dying a part of the Shadow Monster showed up to try and kill us all. Surprise...
Of course, my talented sister beat it but unfortunately a part of it latched itself into her and is now in her leg somewhere. I definitely need to be filled in but right now, I'm focusing on if I can get out of the car and walk into the mall. Now, I did stumble I little bit but was quick to catch myself before anyone noticed. I dragged my body through the mall, stopping in a shop to get rubbing alcohol and gauze pads. Nancy said to Mike and Max who were holding El up, 'Okay, put her down.' As they did Nancy continued, 'Okay, lemme see.' They lifted her trousers and blood mixed with black goo was pouring out onto the floor below. This was not good.
'Oh shit!' Max said.
Nancy pulled out the gauze pads but Max grabbed her arm asking, 'What, what, hey, what are you doing?'
'I'm cleaning the wound?' She replied.
'No, first we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage.' She corrected.
I was leaning into the shelves but struggled to stay up so sliding down I chuckled a bit before saying, 'That was hot.'
Everyone turned to look at me, shit did I say that out loud for fucks sake. Before I could even defend myself, I passed out again. 
You see I hate waking up anyway but when it's too someone touching your bleeding chest, it's literally the worst thing ever. I shot up yelling, 'Fuck me, do you mind!' That was painful as shit.  Without realising it I entered Max's mind and well let's just say it went like, 'if you gave me a chance I would take it...
For fucks sake Max get yourself together now Is seriously not the time.
But she does look hot dying.'

I started wheezing uncontrollably before hissing in pain, they all looked at me as if I was crazy but I simply said, 'Really?!' Toward Max, laughing as she turned bright red from embarrassment. She punched my in my arm whispering, 'That was private,' then she raised her voice to say, 'Dipshit!' I grinned but still hissed in pain from my tense body.
'Come on we've gotta see the whole wound Kayla.' Nancy told me.
I guess the top bit healed because when pulled the side of my shirt down to see my shoulder, it wasn't there so I thought I was fine but when Nancy pulled up the bottom half of my shirt, it was soaked in blood and six deep cuts that ran down from just under my tit to down the other side of my hip.
'Ah man, my six pack. This better heal I don't want fucking scratches over my six pack.'
'That's what your worried about?' Jonathon asked.
'Yes you wouldn't know how hard it is to maintain one Byers.' I laughed at him. He rolled his eyes but smiled back at me.
'I'm gonna have to rub the alcohol in before we can disinfect and bandage.' Nancy told me.
Sarcastically agreeing I answered, 'Greattttttt.'
Max started rubbing the alcohol across my six pack as I tensed in pain, balling my hands into fists to not say anything. I smirked down at her as she carefully 'inspected' my six pack. Before I could say anything, she got up to look for proper bandages to wrap around me. Nancy took her spot and put pressure on my six pack, taking the bandages from Max before saying, 'You're gonna have to take your shirt off so I can reach it properly.'
'Boys, leave, I don't need any of you getting a hard one on something.'
Mike scoffed saying 'As if.' Before dragging the boys away, walking down different isles.
I pulled off my shirt to allow Nancy to wrap the bandage around me making me turn around so she could get around my back. Nancy stopped by my toned figure, slyly checking me out so I smirked saying, 'I'm hot I know.' Laughing.
I received a smack around the back of the head from Nancy as she said, 'Idiot.' Laughing back at me. I saw the jealousy in Max's eyes and Nancy following my gaze realised, finished bandaging me up and said, 'I'm gonna go get more, she has one on her arm.' Fleeing the awkward scene.
Max dropped to my side smacking me across the face looking at me. I pulled my head back towards her before clicking my jaw saying, 'I deserved that.' She grinned at me and just went for it, kissing me passionately. I was very taken aback obviously but kissed back nonetheless. Couldn't miss an opportunity like this.
'That's for flirting with Nancy but you looked hot so.'
'Next time I'm not injured and you try that, I'm gonna pin ur arm above you before you can slap me.' I smirked.
She was going to say something but Nancy walked back into view saying, 'Here.' Handing the bandages to Max.
She cleaned my arm and wrapped it in the bandages prompting me to jump back to my house, grabbing a black tank top and sliding it on before teleporting back. Mike came rushing back, telling us that he heard Dustin over the radio but didn't hear him properly. They were worried so of course sent El into the darkness to look for Dustin.
We had moved to the freezer section for better circumstances for El and we're all standing infront of her in a circle. That was when dumbass Lucas decided to open a can of Coke making and unnecessary loud noise.
'Quiet.' Max whispered.
'Sorry.' Before loudly slurping the drink.
'How do you even drink that.' Mike asked.
'Because it's delicious.' He replied.
In unison, Mike and Max said, 'What?'
I raised my hands walking over to Nancy and Jonathon, 'You guys are idiots, I am too matured for this.'
'Oh really?' Mike asked.
'Yes I am and so is Will or he's just a peacekeeper but either way I'm stealing him.' I said, smiling back at Mike whilst pulling Will next to me.
'It's like the carpenter thing,' Lucas continued, 'The original is a classic no question about it but the remake...' he said, slurping once again, sighing in satisfaction and smacking his lips saying, 'Sweeter, bolder, better.' He reiterated.
'You're insane.' Mike backfired.
I turned to Will whispering, 'Well we know Dr. Peppers better.'
'All the way. You understand me.' He said, beaming at me.
The guys must've continued arguing because El ripped off her blindfold and said, 'Mike, Lucas, shut up.'
They mumbled sorrys before Mike said, 'Did you find him?'
Small time skip
Pushing a trolley around Lucas said, 'The movies? Dustins so freaked out about the gate he decided to watch a movie.'
'No idiot he's probably laying low or something, he been gone for nearly a while day and hasn't contacted me, somethings up.' I retaliated.
Time skip

Creeping to the top of the barrier, the party saw Dustin, Robin, Erica and Steve hiding behind a bar stool with four people pointing guns In their direction, edging toward them. I was down the bottom, waiting for El's queue, hiding. El set off the alarm in a nearby car giving me time to creep up to each one saying, 'Your gonna knock yourself out and when you wake up you're going to flee back to Russia with no memory as to why you were here.'
Of course after they all dropped to the floor I ran to Steve who had now walked out from the shop into the open, I wrapped my arms around him saying, 'Oh my god Steve you're eye, did the Russians do that to you?' He just nodded and I let go walking to the Russians before snapping ones neck infront of everyone. Robin looking at me with wide eyes I smiled shyly back at her, walking up to her embracing the girl into a tight hug whispering, 'I'm sorry you had to go through any of this Robin.' Letting go of her I went over to Dustin, I engulfed him in a big hug saying, 'Holy shit Dustin, you don't know how happy I am to see you.' He let go smiling back at me, whispering a me too before walking over to the party.
I walked over to the last one standing and she ran towards me immediately wrapping her arms around me. 'It's okay, you're safe, are you hurt?' I asked. She shook her head and I nodded, wrapping my arms around the girl saying, 'I'll never let anything happen to you okay?' I whispered.
'Promise, now tell me why you got roped into this in the first place.'
'Steve, and free ice cream.' She said, smiling back at me. I laughed and joined the group, all greeting each other. That was when the unexpected happened, El dropped to the floor, groaning in pain.
We all rushed towards her Nancy saying, 'Get that off.' To Jonathon.
He did as he was told and took the gauze off revealing something literally moving inside of her. Gross.
She was now panting and groaning in agony recovering an, El, El. Are you okay? El!' Her scream clouded my thoughts so I pushed through the people crouched towards her, laying over her whispering memories in her ear. 'Hey, listen to my voice okay can you do that for me?' I asked, she simply nodded.
'Remember when in summer we went to the park and I took you to the swings and you got really scared because of the height and I was laughing because you literally have superpowers,' I was using my powers to slowly remove the slug, distracting her from all the pain so I continued,  'but you yelled at me to put you down. So then you gave me a dirty look, punched me in the arm and made me promise to get you eggos.' I pulled at it again and it was so close so I started again, 'And then when we went to the shop you made me carry 20 packets of eggos and said if I dropped them then I had to buy them all.' I pulled one last time and it came flying out as I finished, 'I'm pretty sure you used you're powers to get them to fall but you flashed on your sweet innocent smile and made me buy them anyway.' I pulled her top half up, and she hugged me tightly smiling into my shoulder saying, 'Thank you.' They must've missed out encounter because when I turned around I saw Hopper, Joyce and Murray?
Oh thank god!!

Word count- 1863

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