Heartbreak and disaster

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The next morning
Kaylas pov
I woke up, feeling a certain loneliness. Yesterday I had her by my side and now I lay in my bed alone. Nevertheless, I got up looking through my wardrobe for something warm to wear. I settled on an all black t-shirt and a some black tracksuit bottoms. Making my way to the Wheelers, I saw the grey clouds and instantly regretted wearing a t-shirt. When I arrived at the house, Will was in his costume probably playing D&D. I turned to Mike and Lucas and them being the dicks they are were looked like the most bored people on Earth. I knew the rules, I couldn't join because all of the players have to start at the beginning so I sat myself down watching the boys. I tried my best to keep myself involved, giving them food and helping Will go through the storyline. I was actually quite enjoying it until the phone rang. Will tried to fight it saying, 'No,It's a distraction! It's. a trap, do not answer it.' But of course both of the boys ran to the phone, Mike picking it up saying, 'El?' Really, she dumped your ass and she's with Max, you really think she's gonna let El phone you. *mental face palm* I walk over to Will who trying to get them to end it and I heard Mike say, 'Sorry not interested.' Advertising is getting harder and harder these days. 'Telemarketers' Well no shit. 'Maybe we should just call them?' Points to Lucas for winning back Max by being a- I'm so sorry please take me back type. 'We can do that?' Honestly, sometimes I question how any of these lot have girlfriends.
'I think so?' You know what I'm just gonna let them figure it out, right now I'm focused on trying to tame a sad and angry Byers. 'Yeah but what would we say?' No I can't do I can't do it are they seriously having A conversation about whether they should apologise to El like she literally has powers do you want to be on her bad side. That's was when Will brushed my hand off of his shoulder, slamming his stick onto the floor, 'We will say nothing! The Khusiar tribe still needs your help.'
'All right then.' Mike I swear to god we are going to have words when Will's gone. 'I'll use my torch to set fire to the chamber, sacrificing ourselves, killing the jujus and saving the Khuisar. We all live on as heroes in the memories of the Kalamar.'
'Victory.' Lucas lazily high fives Mike and just as I'm about to go at the two of them, Will chucks his stick on the floor and ripping his costume of saying, 'Fine, you win. Congratulations.' I was dumbstruck by Wills outburst but it was expected.
As he smashes the radio off Mike says, 'Will, I was just messing around.' Nothing, Will just ignored him, 'Hey, let's finish for real. How much longer is the campaign?'
Will snapped, 'Just forget it Mike!'
He looked to Lucas for support sassing, 'No, you want to keep playing, right?'
Lucas stuttered, 'Y-yeah totally?' It Skl under more like a question, this boy was not good at lying.
'Yeah, we'll just call the girls afterwards.'
'Just forget it Mike! Okay? I'm going home.' Will was now nearly finished packing the stuff away, not even looking at Mike.
Mike looked outside and it was poring of rain, 'But-'
'Come on Will.' Lucas seriously needs to work on his friendship skills.
Barging past Lucas, Will shouted, 'Move!' Storming up the stair, I heard Lucas sigh, Mike chasing after Will. It took everything in my body to not swing at Lucas right there. I followed them up and heard Mike saying, 'Come on Will, you can't leave now, it's raining. Listen I said I was sorry all right? It's a cool campaign, really cool. We're just not in the mood right now.'
'Yeah, Mike. That's the problem. You guys are never in the mood anymore. You're ruining our party.'
'That's not true.' But it was, ever since the snowball, Mike has been off with El every day and Lucas has been with Max, Dustin was at camp, I was at my job. I did offer for him to come with me but he refused.
'Really? Where's Dustin right now?' I could tell by Mikes face that he didn't know and apparently so did Will, 'See? You don't know an you don't even care. And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him!' Will was now tearing up and I knew I couldn't do anything to stop it. 'You're destroying everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?' I could see the way he looked at Mike, every glance very smile, now he was hurt, in pain. We're quite similar and if he was at the same stage as me, he was soon going to spiral. I could not let him fall into that hole.
'El's not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls.' I swear, Mike was in for it, it's like he subconsciously knew what he was doing and it was the last straw for Will- it hurt to damn much. He just stared at Mike, the pain, the shock searching for something to give him hope but Mike said, 'I'm not trying to be a jerk okay? But we're not kids anymore. I mean what did you think really? That we were never going to get girlfriends? That we were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?' What the actually fuck. I'm done with this boy.
'Yeah.' Sniffling, Will continued, 'I guess I did. I really did.' With that, he got in his bike, tears clouding his vision and rode away in the pouring rain. Mike called him several times but he was gone. Now, it was my turn, as soon as Will was out of site I turned to Mike, punching him square in the jaw. He fell and staggered to get up, but before he could say anything I continued, 'Michael Wheeler! You are such a dickhead you know that right. Will went fucking missing and didn't get shit back to normal for a whole year! All he wanted was to play with his friends but then the fucking Mind Flayer came back and after all of that l, have you once asked Will how he was after El killed it. No because you were too busy worrying about El, all your attention has ever been was out party. You yourself said that Max was ruining party, why because a girl was distracting the party. How do you think he feels. Come back from another dimension awaiting his best friend who sulked around all year, complaining about missing my sister. Did you ever stop to think for a second about how unwelcomed he felt. A girl he hasn't even seen before swooped away his best friend leaving him with a miserable, annoying, snappy friend. Even when you got her back, you were never the same as before, Will puts the party before anything else and you putting El in front of that was already enough. He's handled your shit for two years Mike two years, that's 730 days. and how much time did you spend making sure he was alright apart from the one day you spent after his seizure, huh? You Michael Wheeler have officially lost two friends and I don't forgive as easily as him. So you think to yourself, you too Sinclair, also a shitty friend right now, how you are going to apologise not to El or Max but to Will. If you'll excuse me, I have to go find my friend.' I picked up my bike, turning the ignition on and driving off to the only place I knew fitting- Castle Byers.
I ditched my bike by the side of the road, sprinting through the forest, rain drenching my clothes, leaving my hair wavy and soaked. By the time I reached Will, he was taking a hit after hit at Castle Byers, dropping the bat on the floor when a side of the castle had completely dropped the sign that one was lingered above, snapped in half on the floor. He crawled inside the rain falling on me. I came out of my trance when I heard his sobs. I dashed over, running into his now destroyed safe haven. He just looked at me and looked back down to the floor. There I saw it, ripped pictures everywhere. The boys in their ghostbusters costumes ripped into shreds, them winning the science fair, destroyed. It was all gone. I sat down and without a word he just repositioned himself, his head in my lap, sobbing into his hands. I immediately began softly running my hand through his hair whispering meaningless nothings to him.
'It'll be alright.'
'It's all going to be okay.'
'We'll get through it, we always do.'
'You're okay, we're okay.'
'I'm right here, it's okay.'
That was before I saw him get up, putting a hand on his neck, just as I felt a burning pain in my arm on my tattoo.
Just as I saw him so it I heard Mike and Lucas shouting his name, before he fully acknowledged them, he whisper yelled, 'He's back!'

Word count ~ 1583
A/N  I really wanna continue this story but I just really cannot be assed to stick to the storyline so I'll try my best but updates are very shit atm.
Cheers to my four readers btw <3

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