The night owls

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Getting home, Kayla was exhausted, she just wanted to sleep so that's what she did. She arrived in the Harrington household, walked into her room, chucking her black bag down next to her wardrobe before dashing her keys on the side and climbing into bed. It was an amazing sleep even if it only lasted only 10 hours because she had to meet Billy. Opening her eyes to a throbbing headache was not the one, she had forgotten to smoke, her buzz was finished- fuck. She had fallen asleep in her school clothes so all she had to do was grab her her keys and leave. She planned to grab her dirt bike but since she heard no cars pass, she decided it best not to turn a loud ass engine on at 2:00am. So she got her skateboard instead. She rolled up at exactly 2:10am giving her five minutes to spare. She climbed up to his window, lightly knocking on it, a smile grew on Billy's face. He opened the window letting her in, his smile dropping, 'Holy shit Kayla, look at your eyes, how long has it been since you were sober?'
'2 weeks, unfortunately my buzz ended two hours ago because I forgot to smoke a little bit of weed to keep me going. So, I just decided that I'm going to cut down a bit and only have cigarettes and only a little bit of alcohol, no bottles of Vodka or shit like that just little things like that new Koppaberg thing that came out last year. I need you to help me.'
'Yeah whatever need right now.'
'I need you to hide this,' she began, pulling out her weekly dose of weed, 'And since I know you love your alcohol, I brought you my special deliveries. Finally, I need you to stop me, you know my hookup spot and my times so if you ever see 'Liz Smith' (her fake name for buying, changes appearance as well) please drag her away.'
'Of course, now, let's get up on that roof. You have a lot of explaining to do.'
'You know it Hargrove, don't forget it's not all about me, I'll be listening to you as well. I'll be up in a second okay, I just need to use the bathroom,' Kayla said, Billy walking off to go onto the roof, leaving Kayla alone in the Hargrove residence. She walked to the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, eyes puffy, bags under them, she needed to get rid of them. At first, she never thought about using her powers because it could go terribly wrong when your mind is fucked but she thought of it now. Not tonight, she thought, tomorrow, tomorrow morning I'll try. For now, she walked out of the bathroom, looking back at Max's room. Her body dragged her into the room, shutting the door lightly, making sure not to wake her. She was facing Kayla, eyes closed, wrapped in all of the covers like she was hibernating, Kayla could help but crack a smile at how cute she looked. Looking in awe, Kayla whispered so only the people in the room would hear, but since Max was asleep it was just her. 'You don't know how much I miss you Mayfield.' And with that she left, what she didn't know was that her closing the door had awoken Maxine. Kayla climbed to the roof and began, 'Its beautiful isn't it, the moon and the stars.' Still, the curious red head was not heard walking down the hallway, listening intently.
'It really is but c'mon, don't try and a avoid talking about what's on your mind.'
'Fineeeeee. It's mainly the usual, Lily, my parents, my old school and shit but today it's just worse. You see, me and Max haven't exactly been on speaking terms. We had an argument today.'
'Do you want me to get her to apologise, cause she will if I make her.'
'No Billy, I swear to god you touch her and I will kill you okay,' she said, now grabbing Billy shirt. He put his hands up, surrendering. Kayla carried on, sighing this time, 'She's my friend and she important to me okay. I started the argument, I carried it on because she realised the sunglasses and the hoodies and I didn't want her to know so now, I will fix it.  Although she made it pretty clear that she's more important to me than I am to her, I'm not myself without her, she keeps me sane. She changes everything and I know I should just let it go but she means too goddamn much Billy, I've tried so hard to let it go but I always end up right back where I started.' she was now sitting, pinching the bridge of her nose, letting a single tear fall out of her eye.
She quickly wiped it away, before being engulfed in a tight hug. 'I get it, I get it okay, she means so much to you and you don't want to loose her. I won't lay a hand on her okay, not a touch. Why do care so much though?' Billy soothed.
Shaking, she stuttered, 'I don't know, something in my brain just clicked and from day one I've felt the need to protect her, like she was already a close friend of mine. But enough about me, what's on your mind.'
'Well at first, it was just thinking about my mother. I miss her Kayla, it's been years, but then when you were talking to me and you mentioned Lily, she's usually your priority, you usually just talk about her. But this time, it's almost like you forgot about her, when you talked about Maxine, she didn't pop up and I bet Lily didn't even cross you mind, did she.'
'No, she didn't. I guess I was focused in fixing my problem with Max.' Still unaware of the girl beneath them, the red head still lingered, taking it all in. Speechless, she walked back to bed, thinking about Kayla's words. Billy and Kayla watched the sunrise together, each mentally thanking the other for being there. Just two broken teens, laying on the roof, dreading the day ahead.

Word count: 1046

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