The Battle of Starcourt

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For one, I was over the the moon to finally see some actually adults no offence but they're all idiots. We all said our hellos then got serious, standing around in a circle each listening to information. Mike started, 'The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins to stop El and Kayla, to kill them so they could pave a way into our world.'
Nancy continued, 'And it almost did if it wasn't for Kayla. But that was just one tiny piece of it.'
Hopper asked, 'How big is it?'
'It's big.' Jonathon generalised.
'30 feet give it take.' I said to him.
'Yeah.' Lucas agreed. 'It sorta destroyed your cabin and Kayla was too well she was unconscious so she couldn't fix it.' Hopper sighed so Lucas whispered, 'Sorry.'
'Okay so just to be clear, this bug fleshy spider thing that hurt El is some kind of gigantic... weapon?'
Nancy replied, 'Yes.'
Steve continued, 'But instead of like screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon with melted people?'
'Yeah exactly.' Nancy informed finally happy he got to the point.
'Yeah okay. I'm just making sure.' Steve finished.
I leaned over to the Harrington saying, 'Picture it like this. You know those basic hoes that are all popular and flirty,'
'Now think of someone like Nancy, the smart, caring hot kind. She's better right, more developed.'
'Mhm, are you sure your crushing in Mayfield and not Wheeler?' He said laughing.
I punched him in the arm and continued, 'No, and that's literally it. The Mind Flayer is the basic version that just takes over people but the Shadow Monster consumes them, turning them into goo. It's more developed.'
'Ohhhhh okay.'
We missed the ongoing conversation between everyone else but I knew what was going on already.
'Yoo-hoo!' Murray yelled running towards us. Holy shit I nearly had a heart attack. He was waving palates in the air but I was like no fucking way, is that Murray?
'Wait, Kayla?' He said, turning to me.
'You know him?' Hopper asked.
'Been round his a couple times...' I trailed off.
'For what?' Joyce asked sternly.
Murray went to say something but I flicked my wrist, stopping him from talking and smiled innocently at the adults, 'No reason.'
Nancy and Jonathon grimaces but I entered their minds and said, 'Shut up you two, as if you didn't bone when you went there!'
They also went wide eyed so I just laughed.
I turned to Murray giving him a bro hug, something was off, something was wrong. So I asked, 'What happened?'
'I saw my friend Alexei get shit by one of those Russian pricks.' He said tearing up.
'Okay, look at me. I need you to tell everyone your plan and then I have something for you okay.
Murray went on to explain his plan and when he was finished I took it upon myself to take him aside and whisper, 'I'm going to need you to trust me okay. You just need to put my hands on my shoulders and I'm going to open my mind to you. Whilst I'm doing this I'm going to need you to explain what Alexei looks and acts like to me okay?' 
I put my hands on his shoulder, opening my mind as I entered the void, searching for lost souls. 'He has curly hair, fairly tall, he has this weird glasses, doesn't speak English that well, knowing him he'll probably have a cherry slurpee. A buttoned up white t-shirt and brown bottoms.'
'I've got him!' I exclaimed. 'I need you to clear your mind okay?'
He did as he was told and suddenly he appeared in the void, walking towards me, he spotted Alexei and sprinted over to him, suffocating him In the tightest hug ever.
'мне так жаль, что я не смог спасти тебя (I'm so sorry I couldn't save you)'
'это не твоя вина, я буду в порядке, не волнуйся. (It's not your fault, I'll be okay don't worry)'
They let go giving each other one last goodbye before Murray disappeared. I said farewell, joining the living again to see a silent tear falling down Murray's face. I wiped it away and he smiled weakly before everyone went to their places. Joyce and Hopper were going to the base disguised and Steve, Robin, Erica and Dustin were on there way to Cerebro for a connection. We on the other hand had to well, not die, great right. So here I am turning into fucking Usain Bolt trying to dash out of the mall. Unfortunately, the beast had other plans. It appeared out of no where towering over us, snarling. I didn't even give it a second glance before I turned, sprinting the other way. Stood on the other side was none other than... Heather Holloway. So know we're cornered running into different shops to not die. This is going really fucking well isn't it. We split into two groups: Mike, El, Max and me and Lucas, Will, Nancy and Jonathon. Crouching down behind the gap store, I was waiting patiently for the creature to disappear but when El hit the mannequin it instantly turned towards us. Step by step, the snarling got louder, Max had latched onto me not daring to let go, shivering in my grasp. It's a terrible sight to see her so shaken but it's a given, it nearly killed her brother. All of a sudden we heard Dustin over the radio, 'Griswold family this is scoop troop do you copy over?!' He must've seen the flickering lights.
'Griswold family I repeat this is scoops troop. Do you—' then there was a loud roar. I gazed up to see the creature crushing the only sort of connection we had with anyone else, great. The sound left the Shadow Monster launching towards us, tentacles ready. I wrapped my arms around Max protectively just as a hug tentacle slip though a gap, grabbing a mannequin. She was whimpering and the sound would attract it. I pushed up her head a little so it was looking at me and I just gazed into her eyes smiling softly drawing circles in her hand. Her breathing steadied but I didn't stop the eye contact until it turned away. I saw Nancy ripping out the engine and then making a run for it. I nudged the other and we started sprinting anywhere and everywhere, ending up in the back halls of the cinema, Heather hunting us down. She swung open the door we were hiding behind instantly whacking Mike, El and Max out of the way before turning to me ready to punch. Fortunately for me, I grabbed her wrists before she could attack, I tried negotiating but that ended up with me getting stabbed, in the chest. Painful yes but I had to help because right now my sister is being dragged away by one of my ex lovers. I must've passed out for a few minutes because by the time I found El, the Shadow Minster was waiting for her whilst Heather was crouched down beside her, whispering lies to her. I leaned down and just as I yelled, fireworks came blaring down at the monster, blinding and burning it making it screech in agony. That was a great plan until they ran out. I could see Heather writhing in pain, the fireworks obviously effecting her as well.
I sprinted over to her pushing Heather off of El, pinning her to the ground I whispered, 'Heather. The date, remember the date.' She growled at me so I continued, 'I drive you all the way out of the state to take you to a beach my father owned in New York by his house, we spend all day in the mansion, singing, dancing, simply admiring the beauty of the house. We spend hours huddled up on the sofa, watching TV until I took you out to the beach. There you told me how horrible your father was and all of your past. I promised you that day that nothing would ever harm you. I've failed but please Heather please fight. I know your strong enough.'
I let go for a split second before the Shadow Monster launched a tentacle towards the three of us, I tried to jerk over to stop it but Heather beat me to it. She was now grasping ferociously at the tentacle stopping it from reaching El. I looked at her in admiration but that face quickly faded, turning into one of horror as another two legs were plunged into her side, impaling her.
'Nooooooooo!!!' I yelled. My impulses took over and I rushed to the girl, ripping the the arms out of her, using my powers to heal her to only leave minor injuries, I could not let her die. Instead, the angered creature launched two tentacles at me of which I stopped with each arm, I was stronger than Heather. But then another struck and I felt something slimy reach into my system, infecting my blood, and then another through my lower abdomen, I was surely going to die. I let out one last ear deafening scream before the monster suddenly let go, both of us falling back landing on the cold icy floor. They closed the gate. I heard faint yells of my name before my eyes fluttered shut, hoping I would be awake at least once more.

A couple of weeks later
I had just been released from the hospital, tired from having to basically compel all of the staff that I was never there. I hadn't been achey or sore for a week but my friends insisted that I get rest. Before I knew it, a party of 6 squeezing me into a bone crushing group hug. 'Guys, are you seriously gonna break my ribs before I even recover, that won't be great.'
I greeted my friends hugging each one of them tightly before being pulled away by Max.
'You are by far tube stupidest person I've ever know, you could've died. You're such and idiot!' She scolded.
'You know you love me.' I teased.
'I do.' I had never expected those words to come out of her mouth. 'I love you Kayla. I can't live without you, when you were in the hospital unconscious I was freaking out, I couldn't loose you then and I can't loose you now. And I just—'
She was disrupted by me smashing my lips against hers, savouring the kiss I so longed to feel.
I pulled away smirking getting down on one knee saying, 'Maxine Mayfield, Will you be my girlfriend?'
'Your such an idiot. I'm not I hopeless romantic my ass.' She mocked. 'I would love to be your girlfriend Gatsby.'
'Good.' I whispered before pulling her in for another long kiss. Beaming, I finally realised, I am right where I want to be.

A/N- And that's a wrap, I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading this.

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