Chapter 2 : Becoming Friends

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William :

There was some weeks since you have meet the blond guy named William and some weeks since the man who tried to hurt you was, you supposed, dead. You wanted to tell someone the truth because this was too heavy to support but if someone knowed this secret, you will be arrested. And the man, William, who helped you ? He will be in big shit too... But you have to talk. You NEED to talk.

So, after mulled over this idea, you decided to ordering a horse-drawn carriage and going at the Moriarty Mansion.  During the whole trip, your brain imagined bad scenarios about your futur until you finally arrived in front of the house. You took a deep breath and entering into the property. You knocked at the door and you were surprised when a blond male opened. It was not William. Your head rushed in every way to find words and without thinking you just had said you wanted to see William James Moriarty.

The man in front of the door seem surprised but slowly, his mouth formed a warm smile. He told you to wait here some minutes, the time he goes to schearched his "Big Brother". You  thanked him and nooded. Few moments laters, the man you saw was in front of you and lead you to the living room. 

William was sat in front of you, reading a newspaper. When he saw you, he smiled and invite you to take a sit with him. His little brother returned at his task, letting you and William together.

-If you are here, I suppose it's because the secret we have is to heavy for you?

You nooded. He posed his newspaper and talked to you like nothing was happened. At first you was surprised. That was not what you expected but at least, you've almost forgotten what you've done. It was good and comfortable. He succesfully made you feeling better. You had continuing like this few hours before you must going back to your home. He smiled and wawed at you saying if you wanted talk about anything with him, both of you could meet when you want to.

You thanked the math professor and let him. When you was outside, he said at his brother you were such an interessant girl and you maybe could help him in his big project.

Louis :

Few weeks past since the incident of the bakery. You was glad the blond man helped you but you wanted to thank him. And more, you wanted to know his name. You knowed he was a moriarty because he told you but you didn't be aware of his first name. You sighed. You had to admit it, this man was hella beautifull and kind toward you. You walked in a dark street. Your instinct told you to not entering there but this was the shorter way to going back to your home. So you took it anyway.

You walked during one minute or two when you heard a sound. You instantly stopped you and watched behind you. You was a bit affraid but you didn't showed it. You asked at the person to came out of his hiding place. But no one moved. You sighed and return on your step but you always feel the presence. You tried to pretend that nothing has happened and continuing your walk but that became more oppresive. You accelerated but wasn't rassured. So, when you were exit of the litlle dark street you was relieved? You sighed, happy that nothing bad was happened to you and continue your walk.

But the presence was always here. You feel it. Continuing your walk, you was on your guards. You don't know what could arrive. You was worse at each of your steps. Anybody could see it.  In the crowd, you've seen a familiar head so you decided to try risk it.

-Oh, Master Moriarty ! You yelled.

He looked at you and walked towards you, smilling but knowing something was wrong. After all, you will not called him Master wehreas this is not the case. He took your hand in his and took you at a café. He asked you to tell him what happened and when you finished, he proposed at you to stay with him until you feel better. You've accepted and you became closer than you imagine. He even told you his name. Louis, Louis James Moriarty.

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