Chapter 6 : When a guy flirt with you

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William :

You was at the university waiting for William when a teacher you had never saw came towards you. He was tall and he start flirting with you, asking you why you was here. He was pretty calm and kind so you decided to stayed with him until your boyfriend finished his day. When the bell ring you havn't noticed the students who strangely stared at you and your boyfriend walking towards you.

But you havn't noticed him, continuing speaking with this teacher. So William had decided to stay, watching both of you. He refused to admit it but he was jealous. Really jealous. You was HIS property. He havn't to touch you. But you was a pretty clever girl and he wanted to saw how you will react, even if it was difficult to him to not come.

At one moment, you was worried to not seeing William so you politely told to the man you will leave but he didn't hear that. He grabbed your wraist and told you your boyfriend wasn't here and he will never knew.

It was more than Liam could support and he came at you, pulling you at him and giving him a death glare even if his smile seemed calm.

-Go away. I'll kill you if you touch her again. His tone was cold as hell and everyone could feel his bloodl ust. 

Louis :

You just disscuted with William. Both of you had the idea of taking a break and go outside because Louis wanted to continued to tidy the house. But in his little mind, he was a bit worried to letting you both alone. Of course he love you and he trusted his brother but he was worried. He always liked so much his brother and always saw him like someone better than him that he couldn't be so happy either. Was he jealous ? Yes maybe a bit.

So he told you he will joined you when he will finished. You was so happy. You waved him and left. In fact it was a William idea. Arranging a fake date to see Louis reaction. So you spend the whole day together, waiting for Louis but he never came. At the end of the day, you sighed. You was a bit sad. William told you he need to go to the bathroom and you waited for him at one table.

A man you didn't know came towards you and started flirt with you, posing an hand on your shoulders, a silly smile on his face when you, you was really ankward. He mooved behind you, his arms arround your hips and his other hand playing cheerfully with your hairs. He was about to kiss your neck when someone took away his gross hands. You looked at the personn, only to see Louis in front of you.

You could tell he was really mad. Not towards you but towards the man. Louis delicately mooved out the hand on your shoulders, breaking some fingers at the same time and softly made you slide on his lap, throwing a death glare at the man who ever thougth he was so superior that he will be able to touch you. You looked at your Louis and you could tell that if looks could kill, the other man will be already dead. And this man understood it too. Very well and run away. Louis Carried you on his arms, loosing his self confidence and said shily :

-N-Never. Never again I will let this pig disturb you. B-But I really hope you will ever like me even if did scared you... He looked down but kissed him, happy that he loved you like you loved him.

Albert :

You had taking a break. Yes, it was such a bad day for you that you decided to took a little break at a nice parc. You had thougth to tell it to Albert but he was probably already occupied. So you walk there. After few minutes, you sat on a bench and closed your eyes.

You suddently felt hands covered your eyes.

-Guess who ? The personn said kindly, softly but sensually by the same way.

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