Chapter 3 : When they realised they fell in love with you

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William :

It was the end of the day and you had an appointment with William at a nice café so you decided to wait him at the exit of the university where he worked. When he aw you, he wasn't that surprised and came directly by your sides. The students were surprised and started to spread rumours that what you was the girlfriend of the mathematician. 

But contrary to what the interested party trought, it did not bother him that the students think that. After all, maybe it was a bit true. At first, he only saw you as a victim but after your first meeting, he started to think you was smart and you could help him in his big project. But more you saw each others, more he trought you was kind-hearted, strong, smart and all. You was even able to helped him to correct copies.

When he past in front of you, his heart missed a beat and he deduced that he was in love with you but he probably nevers admit it because he is a criminal.

He offered you his cold hand and held her tight without realising it.

Louis :

Louis was at his home, thinking of you. His mind was always foggy when he thinks of you. Everybody had noticed it, even Moran so William decided to asking at his young brother what was wrong. William always thougth at this as an eventuality and he wanted to learn more about the girl who made beating the heart of his brother turned up in every single way.

William prepared thé and asked his brother if he was in love. Louis quickly looked at his older brother and looked down at the cup.

-I'm not sur that's love but... I had meet a girl since few months. She was pretty, kind, funny even if I don't really undertsand all her jokes. Smart too... In a certain way, she looks like us when we was childrens... She is also smart and creative, wanted the world became a better place, like us...So, yeah, I think she is perfect... I don't know if it's love but...

William cut him :

-Yes Louis, it's love.

Albert :

Albert was back at Duhram. On the whole traject, he trougth only about two things. The fact he will  meet again William, Louis, Fred, Jack, Bond and Moran but he also care a lot about you. At the military you was his sun and scince he quit it, he havn't any news about you. He sighed i  front of the house and entered. He saluted everybody and had nice disscussions with them until they all went sleep.

In his bed, he was so happy, everything was fine until you poped in his mind. He became worried.

He knew your past, he asked at William and Louis to did reascherch about you so HE knew a lot of things. He knew your father forced you to became a militar, he also knew he hit you, demeaned you and did others mean things. So he was very worried.

William had already proposed to punish your bad noble father but that had worried Albert because if you was involved, that could turn bad for you.

And he wouldn't this because he realised he not liked you but more as LOVED you. Your form, your strength, your determination (undertale XD sorry, I digress), he loved everything about you since both of you talked about the guys who bothered you and he know it.

Moran :

Moran immediately apprecied you. You was funny and outgoing but also kind and really smart to win. He often spoke of you with Bond and Fred and Bond started to tease him about this. Fred was happy that Moran could found someone even if he didn't show it. 

So one nigth, Bond asked at Moran if he could accompany him. Moran moaned but accepted it anyway. So when bond saw you, he started to flirt to saw the reaction of Moran. When you do went back to your home you saluted both of them. Bond started to laugth at how Moran was jealous and Moran yelled at him saying he was a big shit to flirted with you while he struggle. Both of them looked at each other few seconds before Bond laughed.

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