When you are jealous

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StarveForSugar , thank you for giving me this idea ^^

And thanks to @KacilyaAtkins for motivated me

William :

You was with all the Moriarty to monitor the tea party the had to organised. You stay a lot with William until he had to do a math conference. Like you expected, all the womans followed him like little puppys. It was a good way to be sur no one will go to the basement or in the house but inside, you felt a bit jealous. Seeing YOUR man being surrounded like that by all these girls with an obvious crush on him... You felt like a shit. You wasn't a noble or smart like him nor beautiful like  all these girls. But you had hiding it even if it hurt you.

Until a woman stood up asking something. You expected it will be a question about maths because it was a math conference but she asked to Liam how to enter into "a certain gentleman intimity". You stared at the girl and Liam knowing she was speaking of him. And you was sur when you heard her describing your boyfriend. You sighed a bit and your body instinctively walked toward them when you heard her asking him some advices.

- May I can help you. I'm a girl so I'm better to helping you with this. You said, throwing ligthing at the girl.

She looked at you, disgussed by what she seem looking.

-Sorry, I'm not sure a maid could help with heart problems, more when it concern a perfect gentleman.

William looked at both of you amused before placing an arm around your shoulders, teasing you. "My maids are the best at what they done. Like you can see, this one is pretty good with jealousy."

You was about to answer something when William kindly kissed your forehead. "You can return to your work my dear, I can do it by myself." He said, teasing you. "Jealous girl" he add.

You despise him even if you love him.

Louis :

You was at a nice bakery to take a little break of all your hard works. You waited for Louis. It was his idea so you basically accepted spend time with him. He finally came, apologizing for being late and both of you ordered a cake. A young and beautifull personn come to you and gave you your orders.

- Excuse me sir. She starterd. I didn't saw you before here. Maybe is it because I have too many customers but I wanted to know if we could spend some time together.

You looked the personn. You thougth she was really stupid hoping she didn't noticed you was HIS girlfriend. But Louis was too pure to understand what she means and was about to accept when you suddently grabed his hand.

-Louis... You will not break with me huh ? You looked at him with some little fake tears. Because I love you with all my heart ! You exclaimed wanting his attention but he didn't noticed because the maid was talking a lot louder than you with him.

Louis just holding your hand and you just wanted some comfort so you pull him near you and kindly kissing his scar.  He looked at you a bit surprised before smiling and kissing you back.

-Don't be jealous my love, you are the one I love.

Albert :

You was with him. He was with his wine. You mooved to his brothers. He stayed with his wine. You sighed in deseperation, he drank his wine. You was mad so you finally came towards him, stealing his glass and drank it. He looked at you, confused.

- Please Albert, You love me more than wine no ? So be with me ! You could even drink me if you want to !

Albert was shocked. You violently blushing.

- That's not what I wanting to say.

- Too late . He said teasingly, catching you and going to his bedroom.

Rip you.

Moran : ( Sorry but I have no ideas for Moran. Maybe this part will arrived later.)

Fred :

You was not pretty jealous but more sad. Why ? Because you wasn't able to see Fred when you wanted. But you are a strong and calm girl so... You just go to the alley he often went for his work. When he saw you, he was more than surprised. He run toward you.

-Y/N ! You had a problem ? !

It was the first time you saw him so worry. You took his hands and placing them on yours.

-No Fred, don't worry. I just have a request.

- I listen you. I will do everything for you. His tone was softer when a little smile took place accros his face, his fingers gently stroking the plant of your hand.

You smiled, kissing him and showering him with love.

- Could you spent some time with me ?

Sherlock : (same thing. Like moran, I have no ideas for him)

John :  (Sorry I will not continue the story with John because I don't  know how making him :'( )

---Manga only (or in s2)---

Von helder :

You was with Helder, working. You wasn't the kind to be jealous of someone, more knowing Von Helder but there was ONE thing you cannot stand. One thing which made you jealous.

The time he was with is fucking weapon. At first you doesn't care but more the time grown more you becomming jealous. Pretty jealous.  So one day, when Von Helder had speak about his weapons for the 16th time, you blow up. You took one of his weapons and go away with. He didn't understand so he rushed after you. When he finally found you crying in frustration he understood. He came towards you and kindly kissed your cheeks. He continued until you wasn't mad, sometimes weeping away your tears.

When you was calmed down, you wanted to killed him but his soft smile warm you up and you couldn't be angry anymore. You sighed when you heard him softly laughing, catching your both cheeks and kissing you on yhe lips :

- Was you really jealous of my work ? Don't be, I love you more than everything.

Patterson :

You had finished your works since two hours but you wanted to stay until Patterson finish his work too. So you were with him, in his office doing whatever you could to stopping your boringness.

In some way, you was jealous of his work. You just wanted some attention but nope. Because he was busy. You wanted to help him. But he refused. He said you was too tired to working more and he wanted taking care of you. But He seem doesn't understand faster he will finished his work, faster you could took a good nap.

You had test everything to stopping him. You told him you will go with Lestrade but he doesn't care. So, tired of this shit, you came accros and threatering him to break up if he doesn't paid attention to you.

He immediately understand. His blank face became warmer and he took you on his lap, resting your head on his shoulder, telling you it was almost finish and he will take care of you like his life depending of it.


Hi !

Hi, how are you guys ? Sorry for not having update from a long time but I do not have any motivation to writting so I took me long time to re-write. Maybe I will cotinue this later, (probably in ten years x) ) but I'm not sure. Also, If I continue the story the parts will be shorter and I will not impose to myself something.

It's also because I prefer draw and I am not so much in writting since few month (at least, not writting fanfic but my own stories)

I also apologize for misspellings because I'm not English so if you see any, don't hesitate to tell me, I'll try to correct them :)

Hope the story will please you, see you soon ; Yuna-Haruka <3

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