Chapter : 4 They confess to you

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William :

William was at the univerity, taking a break. He had heard about rumours about you and him being a couple but he always denied this. Yes, maybe it was true, it was true that he loved you but he couldn't told you. He was a criminal and love only will be a disavantage for his big project.

If he had something to loose, something important, anybody could took you out of him and hurt both of you. And he couldn't accepted this. You was too important to loose. He calmed him down, feeling his heart beating more in his body and started to correct copys with the intention of forgetten you.

The ring bell and he returned in his classroom. He saw his students smilling but he didn't understood why until he saw you in front of the door with a bouquet of flowers. His face turned into a silly red but he didn't showed it. He was surprised, you had nothing to do here.

-W-William, your superiors and your students told me that if I loved you, I had to tell you so... I'm here ! You said, without watching him, feared of rejection.

All th students told you to not worry and througth you was cute like that. A big part of them wanted to be with you if he refused. William was shared. In on hand, he wanted to be with you but in the other hand, he knew he couldn't.

He took yours hands in his.

-(Y/N)... I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings. Saying it broke his heart but he wanted preserve you of the world he had. He want you entering pure in the new world he help to give birth.

Your smile change. Your smile was broken. You wanted to cry but you didn't, keeping this bad feeling inside you.  

-oh... I... I understand, sorry... Sorry for that... you looked down, trying to find a way to escaped of this crowd of students.

You returned at the café you always went together. You posed the bouquet on th table, your head on your hands. A server came at you.

-Are you okay Miss ? You noded.

He sat with you, watching the flowers. He understood and said he was sorry and wanted to help you to be happier until he felt an hand on his shouldrs. You looked up and saw William. The server was scared of the look in his eyes and let both of you together.

At first, he wanted to told you he didn't love you, lied to himself but when he saw you, when he saw you with these tears, he couldn't. He took your head with two fiingers to made you look at him and softly kiss you. You was shocked but answerd at the kiss.

- I'm sorry for what happened before, I just... I wasn't sure of what to do. I love you but I couldn't. I'm... he whispered. I'm not enougth for you.

You put one of your fingers on his mouth to silent him and you kissed him.

-No. Even if you are the worst personn on the earth, I will always love you.

Louis :

Tou slept in your house/Trash with soft and warm blanket that you had found in charity. The lid was closed so you didn't see the street. And even if you could, it was so dark that you will never see anything. But you was awaken by some strange noises. You was in the coltard but you quickly understood this personn wasn't a kind guy who will offered some roses. You stayed quiet. You didn't know why but your instinct told you it was dangerous. So you didn't moved.

Suddently, you heard the unknow shot in objects, becoming angrier at each seconds until he reversed unintontionally your trash. You was surprised and yelled, shocked. He turned towards you. You was always on the ground, your hands bleeding a little  and he, had a mischevelious smiled on his creepy face.

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