27 - Pain.

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Drake - ❄

"Fuck!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the old punching bag for the last time. The chains holding it shook with the ferocity of my blow. I held the heavy bag in place before it swung back to hit me, resting my sweaty forehead against it whilst breathing heavily.

Her hurt filled face still lingered right there in my mind like a full moon on a summer night. I could barely breathe. Knowing I'd hurt her was physically hurting me.

But I couldn't do fucking shit about it.

The conversation I had with my mother not long ago sparks through my mind and I'm at it again. I throw punch after punch, hitting the heavy sack before me with powerful blows.

"I know you're lying about Vanessa being engaged. That's literal bullshit." I snapped at my mother. She narrows her eyes at me, slamming her palms down on the countertop.

"That language will not be used with me son." I almost scoff but refrain from doing so. My mother was a vicious woman when she wanted to be.

"Then tell me the real reason why you're doing this." I gritted out. "I'm not stupid, I know you and father have eyes on me twenty four seven. You know I've been spending time with her, why ruin this for me?"

My mother laughs bitterly. "She's not good for you drake. She's not good for our family business either."

I was getting more and more frustrated by the second. "The fuck is that suppose to mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean son."

I hit my fists over and over, my knuckles were starting to bruise but that was the least of my worries. I couldn't believe my parents. They were acting like complete fucking children.

Fucking up my life because one thing went wrong in their world between them and the Adams. Complete fucking bullshit.

"She doesn't even know about it!" I yelled, slamming my fist down onto the table. "As far as I'm concerned her family have never mentioned that part of their lives to her. She's oblivious to it. Why make me do this?"

"Enough Drake!" My mother bellows, rising onto her feet. "Missing shipments are not to be taken lightly. Is that understood?"

I wish i was never apart of all this fucking shit. They are the reason my life fell apart, they are the reason I'm so closed off. The fact that Vanessa is hidden from it all drives me insane.

I wanted to tell her everything. The whole truth about who I am and who she really is.. but it's not my place. I couldn't do that to her nor her family. I know it's not their fault the shipment was lost, but it's not something you can merely brush off.

This shit gets you locked up or fucking killed.

"The Redmonds are offering an alliance with us. To strengthen that alliance, you will marry their daughter Evangeline. It's what's best for the family." My mother states firmly.

Fuming, I say, "what if I don't want this? which I don't."

"Well then there will be consequences." She smiles at me carelessly. "You know exactly what will happen to the Adams. You wouldn't want poor Vanessa to find out so... violently shall I say?"

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