37 - Your heart and soul.

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Vanessa 🌻

Dinner at my place. I'll pick you up in 15. Wear something sexy.

I stare down at the text, biting down on my bottom lip. Why is a guy being so demanding, so fucking hot to me?

I type back a reply.

15?! This better be good drake.

I toss my phone onto my bed and hurry up to my closet. I start searching through my clothes, not knowing what the fuck to wear and having no idea how I'd be ready in fifteen minutes.

I rip out the first sexy dress I spot. It was a steel blue bodycon dress, that I bought a while ago. It seemed pretty good to me, and easy to match makeup with.

I decided that because I only had seven minutes left, I'd skip my hair and add just a little bit of makeup to my face

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I decided that because I only had seven minutes left, I'd skip my hair and add just a little bit of makeup to my face. I rubbed on some foundation, worked on my blush, painted my lips a soft pink colour and lined the inside of my eyes with eyeliner before coating my lashes with some high volume mascara.

Once I was done, I took a Snapchat video of my outfit and makeup and sent it to Kelly for a approval. She was out at the beach today with Tom, having a little romantic getaway.

She sent me a quick snap back saying, wear your pink heels it'll look amazing with your lipstick ;))

So I did that, and just as I was organizing my purse, there was a beep outside.

Butterflies swarmed inside my stomach and I bit my lip, almost tripping over my feet as I rushed downstairs.

When I opened the front door, Drake stood there with a smirk on his lips. He was holding a bouquet of red roses in his hands.

"Good evening baby." He winks, giving me a quick once over. "You look amazing. Here, these are for you." He hands me the flowers, and I grin, leaning forward to kiss him.

Drake doesn't give me a chance to pull away, instead he grabs my hips, pulls me flush against him and smashes his lips to mine, kissing me roughly.

"Is anyone home right now?"

I moan when his hand slips down the back of my thigh.

"No." I breathe, unable to pull away from his hot kisses.

"Why do I torture myself telling you to wear something sexy?" He asks rhetorically. "I mean, all I want to do now.." his hand makes it's way up my dress and I gasp. "Is fuck you till you can't move."

"D-drake." I stammer. "You said we were having dinner."

He stops, pulls away, takes a deep breath and takes one step back. "You're right." he says breathlessly. "That's what were doing."

I bite my lip to hold back the grin that wanted to spread wide across my face.

"Okay, I'm just gonna put these in a vase. I'll be right back."

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