28 - still have a chance.

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Vanessa 🌻

Kelly - I can't believe that jerk did that to you! I seriously thought it'd work out between you two DX ..

Kelly - I'm so sorry Vanessa.. I wish I could be there to bug you and eat ice cream with you..

Kelly - Hug* typo.

I couldn't help but smile as I read her texts. I'd messaged her a few times throughout the day, telling her about what happened with Drake. She actually hadn't been in contact with me for a few days now, so hearing from her was a nice.

Vanessa - I miss you so much...

Vanessa - we haven't talked in a while. I refuse to let this distance put a gap between us.

There were no words to explain how much I missed my best friend. Without her I literally felt as if I'd lost a part of me. She helped me complete, well, myself.

Kelly's that one figure in my life that was just there all of a sudden and never left my side, and I was dying just to have her back now that she actualy left.

Kelly - I miss you more babe xx.

Kelly - Thomas left ... :( u seen him yet?

Thomas had arrived in the US somewhere around the time I was in school today. I had yet to see him, but there was a dinner at mom and dad's house tonight and I'd most likely see him there.

It'd been a while since we had dinner together as a family and I was actually looking forward to it. Mom and dad said someone special would be joining us for dinner. I guessed it was probably my grandma, even though she wasn't anyone special.

Just a stuck up old woman who has too many expectations from her children and grandchildren for her own good.

Vanessa - nope. Having dinner today wid the fam. I miss having you at family dinners.

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