17 - Loud and extremely sexy.

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Vanessa 🌻

The next morning when I open my eyes, I'm surprised to find grayish dark brown eyes staring back at me.

I blink once, then twice before a smile slowly creeps onto my face. "Morning." I whispered, and his smile widens.

"Morning sunshine, did you sleep well?" Drake asks, his hand caressing my bare thigh from beneath the sheets.

Damn, his deep, raspy morning voice is such a turn on.

"Yes, indeed I did." I answered, attempting to hold back the large grin that wanted to take over my face.

Waking up next to the guy you like smiling at you, is such a good feeling.


"I slept better than I have in a very long time, thanks to you Vanessa." Suddenly his on top of me, and I giggle when he tickles my waist softly. "I really like spooning with you, and that's coming from a guy who has never spooned with anyone before."

My brows shoot up in surprise. "You've never spooned with anyone before?" I ask, staring up at him with a stunned expression.

He chuckles. "No, I haven't."

"Well I'm glad I'm your first." I whispered, my hand lifting and clamping at the back of his neck.

Without me having to tug his head down, he dips his head and presses his lips against mine. The kiss was slow, for what its worth, and I swear my whole skin felt like it was being pricked with pins.

Drake's hand brushes my shoulder, trailing down my right arm until he's caressing my waist.

"I can't stop thinking about you." Drake whispers, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Your gorgeous blue eyes." My jaw. "The feel of your skin," down my neck. "The smell of that vanilla scented soap you use." He presses his nose again my skin, breathing in deeply. "It drives me crazy."

My heart flutters in my chest, and those familiar butterflies show up again, attacking my stomach like they'd just escaped a cage they'd been stuck in for years.

"I can't stop thinking about you too Drake." I smile, cupping his cheek in my hand. "Now fu-"

My dirty words were cut short when my bedroom door flies open.

"Vanessa we're home, you- WHAT THE FUCK?!" I cringe from beneath Drake before shock fills my entire body.

I push Drake off me, immediately wrapping myself with the sheets.

"GET THE FUCK OUT! DONT YOU KNOW HOW TO FUCKING KNOCK?!" I yell as loud as I can, grabbing a pillow and flinging it at Thomas.

My brothers expression was a mix of pure shock and anger before he slammed the door closed.

I hear him screaming profanities as he walks away.

"Shit." I muttered, turning to look at Drake who was grinning in amusement. "Dumbass," I slap his arm. "I will be so fucking dead if my parents know I was in bed with you."

"Uh, why?" He questions, as if oblivious to the answer. Is he serious right now?

"Drake, no parent approves of their daughter having sex." A lazy smirk drapes across Drake's face and I frown.

"Don't worry sexy, no one will find out." He winks at me, before rolling off the bed and standing up. My eyes widen slightly when his bare ass is exposed.

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