iv - mother's tales

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chapter four,     mother's tales

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chapter four, mother's tales

IT ALL FELT INCREDIBLY ODD. Everything seemed too bright and too loud. The thirst was buried with a few cups of water as her shaking fingers were picking grapes, one by one. The most concerning thing was, that her brothers were standing in front of her and, that a woman beside them wasn't Katerina Petrova.

It didn't take her long to add two plus two and understand that this wasn't 1864. But she didn't burden herself with the questions as to why and how she was here. For a moment, just a split moment, she was happy to see her brothers again.

"Do you want anything else? We only have fruit, nothing else. I'd go and get something. Anything you want." Stefan suggested, watching his bathed sister, dressed in his clothes, slowly eating grapes from the fruit bowl.

When she wasn't covered in a layer of dirt, without knots in her hair, in his clothing, it was as if she was never away from them. As if they have spent over one hundred years all together. But the hesitation in her eyes, the fear told them that it wasn't the case.

"I'm content. Thank you." Her voice was a bit hoarse, but she wasn't whispering anymore.

"I wish," Damon hesitantly started, wanting to say a lot, but not knowing how to, "I wish we could explain what is going on. But we have no idea, Ophelia."

Her heart stung for a second hearing him say her name. Her brown eyes filled with tears and the tremble in her hands became worse, so she refrained from eating more and placed her hands on her lap. On the pants—never in her life, had Ophelia thought she will be wearing pants. Father would never allow it.

"I have not—killed anyone," she shook her head, not managing to look at them all. "What townspeople say—I am not a witch."

Damon shifted closer, "We know you haven't done it. We aren't blaming you for those murders in the town. You are innocent."

"Then why did they take me?" Her voice broke at the end and her perfect posture broke—her shoulders dropped forward and she covered her mouth with her hand to not let out a sob. Father would get mad if he'd hear her cry.

Elena shifted a bit away as the Salvatore brothers hugged their sister. It was heartbreaking to see an innocent woman going through so much pain. And now, she has arrived as a new target for a man who won't stop until he has gotten what he wanted.

"I don't know, Lia," Stefan whispered, placing his hand on his sister's shoulder as Damon stood on the other side of her. "You were too good for this world."

Ophelia closed her eyes, accepting the warmth and affection from her brothers which were a rare sight. Either one of them was away, or they fell in love with the same woman and the importance of their own sister faded away in their canvases.

THE MUSE | n. mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now