v - my dearest

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chapter five,     my dearest

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chapter five,     my dearest

OPHELIA WAS NOW FACING THE WELL-SUITED MAN IN A LIBRARY. She didn't have time to explore the variety of books even if she itched with desire. But she had bigger problems at this time. Problems that involved night stories that were supposed to be just an attempt to scare children.

Elijah was looking briefly at the books, taking his time to figure out if others were trying to listen to this conversation. But as soon as he was content, he turned to the woman who was sitting on an armchair. Her body was like a string – her legs were perfectly bent and slightly pushed to the side, her back straight. It only reminded him that she wasn't from modern times. Even if she was terrified and she was alone with a man which wasn't really allowed – she tried not to show it.

"I'm sure you have many questions, Ophelia. And you have my sincerest apologies that you got involved in all of this business with my brother," he started, leaning his back to the bookshelf, facing her.

Her eyebrows knitted together: "That man, in the woods, is your brother?"

"Yes. Although I'm not very—excited to admit this, as I wish he was bounded by another steel, he is still my brother."

"Is he—a vampire?" Ophelia gulped down as she said the word, remembering that probably everyone in this house was some sort of—creature.

"Yes and no," he pushed his right hand into the pocket of the suit pants. "He is a vampire, but his bloodline comes from werewolves, so he is both."

Ophelia didn't know how it was possible, but she didn't think she would actually hear an answer that would make her understand everything, so she stayed silent on that matter and nodded. "What did I do?"

Elijah slightly shifted, it wasn't easy to tell to an innocent person that they were persecuted by a man that has killed thousands. "That night in the woods, my brother Niklaus was trying to break a curse which hid his werewolf side. He tried to do that for thousands of years and it was always a failure in some ways. Your arrival interrupted the curse and destroyed the moonstone, which was necessary for the ritual. And what more—you showed as a hybrid."

"However I am not—I am not a hybrid. My brothers told me that I am not a—vampire," the woman shook her head, slightly squeezing the material of the pants she was wearing.

Elijah chuckled: "You are not. I can sense you are neither a vampire nor a werewolf, which makes it both a mystery and a curse."

Ophelia placed her hand on her chest as if covering her heart would not make him sense things. "Am I going to die?"

Elijah stood tall, making Ophelia stand up well as he walked closer to her, but not too close to respect her space. "My brother is irrational and thinks killing you would solve it. However, I am certain that you hold many mysteries within your arrival and your death would not benefit anyone."

THE MUSE | n. mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now