vi - adam's creation

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chapter six,     adam's creation

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chapter six, adam's creation

     THE MAN HELD WILL IN HIS STANCE. Looking stern, yet, so still, he looked at her. It didn't remind her of his gaze between the fires in the woods. It didn't hold the same fury for her. Instead, he looked as if he was plotting. As if one wrong move will send her back into the nightmares. But she wasn't afraid. Not when she knows already how lonely death can be.

     His azure eyes held an emotion behind them – disappointment. Not in her, but in himself. And she chose to stand still and immerse into the feeling around him. It wasn't the simple 'keep your friends close, but the enemies closer'. No, it was something along the lines of diving into deep, dark waters knowing that there is nothing in there but danger. There is always a reason why people are so attached to danger.

     Ophelia didn't know where she was, but the manor was empty – no furniture, nothing. It was abandoned, for years already, as it seemed. But the lingering of the previous warmth was still inside. It was the only thing that made her feel sane.

     "I told you to bring her, but you brought the entire family," he spoke up, his voice deep, sounding as if it belonged to the royalty itself.

     "I had no other choice," Elijah replied, calmly.

     Klaus slightly tilted his head, looking at the Salvatore siblings, "I must admit that not even I could foreshadow some sort of witch reviving someone to torment me."

     "You must be very bad with witches," Damon snarled.

     But the hybrid only chuckled, "They tend to hate you when you murder a bunch of them."

     "There are no magic traces in Ophelia. She is as human as they can be," Elijah interrupted the small talk, standing close to Ophelia. "It means she is the one thing witches hate the most."

     "Not even syphons can create such a façade. Clever little things they are, but they are even easier and more pleasurable to kill than a witch," Klaus spoke as if his words meant nothing to him.

      Ophelia slightly flinched and took one step closer towards him. "Your words do not bother me," she spoke finally and Klaus' eyebrows slightly raised. The woman before him looked incredibly fragile – it was clear that she was brought back to life. She looked malnourished and it seemed like even standing took the best out of her. Her eyes were tired. He was standing in front of a woman that has battled one thing he has never experienced fully – death.

      "They should," he disagreed with her. "You have no idea what I can do to you."

      "Everything leads to death. Anything that you could do to me would lead me back to where I belong," she took another step closer and then another. "Your words do not bother me."

THE MUSE | n. mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now