viii - will you trust the hand closest to you?

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chapter eight,     will you trust the hand closest to you?

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chapter eight,     will you trust the hand closest to you?

THE SIGHT WASN'T APPEALING TO DAMON. His sister was fed the hybrid's blood with utter eagerness. He will have to have a talk with Stefan after this if they'll get out of here alive. Damon pointed at Bonnie and clapped his hands:

"Right! Whatever happened there—not my business. Here's a witch, talk about your juju and we'll be on our way."

Bonnie looked at the hybrid warily. She was supposed to kill him all this time. She was supposed to wait for the peak of his transformation before she would use her magic to kill him. For that, they faked her death so Klaus wouldn't suspect them of disturbing the ritual. Bonnie wasn't even needed for this. Whoever worked with the spirits, sent out Ophelia at the right time. But now, the youngest Salvatore was a target.

"I knew you didn't die," Klaus admitted. "As much as Elena's tears were real... I know the witches won't let a Bennett witch die so easily."

Bonnie didn't want to listen to his boastful tone. All she could remember was the expression on Alaric's face when he was possessed by Klaus. A different voice, but the boastfulness was the same. Instead, she turned to Elijah: "I didn't sense any magic on her. There's nothing I can do."

"We figured out this much," Elijah replied, looking briefly at Ophelia, who was standing a bit confused. "Have you ever heard about the mutations of the siphons?"

The witch slightly tilted her head: "You mean the forced mutations of the siphons?"

Klaus' face was decorated with a cheeky smile: "So the Bennett witch knows a few things about her history."

"Aren't siphons the ones that steal magic from the witches?" Stefan joined the conversation.

"Not very likeable between the witches. Getting your magic stolen... Couldn't imagine that," the hybrid cheerfully blabbered.

"Hard to understand when you have been chasing after your full potential this whole time?" The witch answered with the same sarcasm.

The smile got wiped off the hybrid's face almost immediately: "Careful, love. The ache is a little bit too strong for me to take it lightly."

"Could we get back to finding out what Ophelia is?" Damon placed his hands on his waist, looking more concerned and annoyed than all of them combined.

Elijah pushed his hand into the pocket of his suit pants and took the initiative: "For that reason, witches tried to force a mutation on the siphons, so they would not be able to take magic on their own. The idea was to create a bond between a witch and a siphon that there would be balance."

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