Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It's indeed too early to get depressed, but realizing she just woke up from the Emperor's bed makes everything insane, not to mention her thighs hurt badly, and she remembers everything all too well. Oh gosh, what did she do? What has she done with the Emperor? They almost had sex last night, and the commander was there! She has committed a sin, and someone witnessed it; she's going to get punished! It's been hitting her thoughts for a moment while she's moving immediately to sneak out.

Why did the Emperor invite the commander to come in? Did he plan everything? For what purpose? All she remembers is that they were the only people in the room until she passed out due to tiredness. She even thought she was going to be thrown away. But why did the Emperor keep her instead? What's going on in his head? Something's not right; something's totally not good. He did those things to her; he even mentioned she needed to keep quiet because the commander was there. Was that to make her tense? To add more pressure on her? To make her suffer greatly?

But why is he doing this? She doesn't remember anything she did in the past that led him to act like this towards her. The first time they met, he was drunk; she just delivered his liquor, and besides that, nothing else happened. What did she do? Oh... Probably about the roll. Did he perhaps find out she read the roll? But that's a lame reason for him to punish her like this. However, he's a Vassily. He does whatever he wants. Lame or not, if he wants to toy someone around, he'll immediately do it without a word.

Ah, she has been chosen. Unfortunately, she was chosen to be played like a doll. She'll probably feel remorse for reading the roll; he might consider and forgive her. But before everything got worse for the morning, she put her attire back on and tried to sneak out.

The Emperor has already left. The sun has risen. It's unbelievable how he did not slaughter her while she was sleeping. She has survived. She always hears that no one comes out whole or alive from the Emperor's bed. But she is alive, to her surprise. However, she might die later for the punishment. She shrieked when the door opened and the head servant appeared, eyes wide and mouth open in shock. It's very evident; the old man can't believe she's alive.

"Where is the victim?" The old man searched around the room. "Are you? Oh boy, what's the meaning of this? I don't understand! A man? You're alive?" The old man asked, scanning her from head to toe. "No blood. Unbelievable. You can even walk."

It's a good thing she has already put on her disguise. They probably thought she was a boy because of how she looked. Another person came in; it was a doctor. It looks like they're used to everything. Since this happens frequently, they just arrive to support the poor company of the Emperor for the night.

"What? For real?" The doctor asked, confused.

The old man nodded. "No blood. No cuts. He's alive and fine. I don't see anyone else in the room but him." They can't believe a man just slept in the Emperor's bed.

The doctor sighed in relief. "Ah, they probably didn't do it. He can walk, he's alive, and there's no blood. Above all, he's a man. I guess the Emperor just toyed him around. Although I have no idea what's going on because this has never happened before, let's just be glad no one has died today."

"Oh heavens. Is the world healing? This is the first time ever in the history of the Vassilys. In my entire life, no other person has ever come out alive from this bed except the Emperor." The old man cried. "Whoever he sleeps with dies in the morning; if not, they come out sick. I'm glad this young boy is fine."

No, she's not fine at all. Her thighs hurt as if they had been destroyed last night. She can't even walk properly. How is she going to work with painful legs? Her eyes widened when she realized the old man's words. She signed. "Am I dead?"

"No, not yet. Congratulations, you have survived, young man, the old man said. It's a good thing most of the people in the palace understand sign language. "Anyway, the Emperor is calling for you. Serve him on the field. He's going to race, I guess, with the Emperor from the North. Oh goodness, someone passed out again earlier while talking to the Emperor."

"Won't you believe it? I saw two servants collapse earlier in front of the Emperor of the North!" The doctor said. "Anyways, you're being called. I hope you don't pass out."

She shivered. Why is he calling for her? And who is he going to race with? Emperor from the North? Is she thinking it right?

The doctor scoffed. "Yes, dear. Emperor Maximus Malik has arrived."


Before the Emperor got mad and called for her using his sentries, she immediately went to him. With hurting thighs, she managed to walk fast. She still doesn't know what to do. She's scared; her fear just won't go away. And she's shy about meeting the commander, who probably heard everything. She can't believe she did it. What would be her future now? Will she remain alive for the rest of her days in the palace? Or will she vanish into thin air once the Emperor gets bored of her?

She arrived at the field, and everyone looked at her in confusion. She's not surprised anymore that the servants were behaving properly. There's not only one, but two devils standing in the middle. Everyone should watch out for their heads. Oh gosh, she felt nervous once again. How is she going to approach them? How is she going to report herself to the Emperor? She checked herself first. Her attire, her hair under her hat, and everything before she walked in to approach them

She's still far away, but the two Emperors were already staring at her intensely. Emperor Maximus was looking at her with suspicious eyes, while Emperor Macsen was staring at her with angry eyes, as always. She felt a cold volt run through her veins when she saw Emperor Maximus smirking at his younger brother. It looks like the eldest is planning something evil, and she belongs to his sick plot.

She finally approached them. She greeted the both of them, and she saw surprise on Emperor Maximus' face. He probably can't believe Emperor Macsen favors a servant who can't speak. Emperor Maximus laughed, making everyone nervous. Emperor Macsen glared daggers at him, making him laugh louder. She breathed heavily; she didn't feel fine at all.

"So, you've been waiting for him all this time? Is that why you looked agitated earlier?" Emperor Maximus mocked. "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Emperor Macsen rebutted. "You're a fool then, if that's what you think. This servant has committed a sin, and I shall look over him. He still has not compensated for his fault."

"Shall we have a game then, Macsen? It's your time to punish him. Since you're the Vassily who never backs down on challenges, play with me, said Emperor Maximus, evidently mocking his brother and plotting a dangerous plan.

Emperor Macsen rolled his eyes. "Don't challenge me, brother. And who wants to play your sick games?"

But Emperor Maximus was stubborn; he continued annoying Emperor Macsen: "I'd like to call this game the prey, the predator, and the knight." He smirked when his eyes darted at her, and she shivered as he continued: "Of course, when you hear the predator, it means he'll be the one to hunt the prey. And the prey will be the one to run for his life. But this time, we have the knight to help and save the prey."

"Fuck you," Emperor Macsen cursed while Bellona prayed for her dear life.

But Emperor Maximus devilishly laughed. "What? Since he committed a crime, then lose this game and I'll punish him properly. It's a win-win situation, right?"

Sinister Obsession: Macsen Massey (Emperor Series, #3) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon