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1) Being an introvert has nothing to do with shyness, nor does it imply that they are afraid of interacting with others. What it does mean is that introverts often do not interact simply for the sake of interacting.

2) If you place introverts in a busy environment, their brain will quickly overload and shut down to stop the inflow of information. This is why introverts wind down at the end of the day - to recharge that lost energy.

3) Introversion is one of the major personality traits identified in many theories of personality.Introverts tend to be more quiet, reserved, and introspective

4) Introverts Can be lazy and procrastinating but once they set their mind on something .will give their best.

5) Introverts Hate small talk. don't initiate conversations .don't speak unless they want to .prefers intellectual conversations.but once you get them talking. they can be hard to stop.

6) Introverts Loves nature,music ,books,movies documentaries ,pets etc

7) Introverts Prefer quality over quantity.They have very few friends ,whom they can trust.or no friends at all.don't prefer superficial relationships,better to have no friends than have superficial friends.

8) Introverts always prefers one-to-one chat to person instead of group conversations.

9) Introverts are Curious independent and highly self motivated. Prefers to work alone.

10) Introverts are Highly caring and altruistic not that interested in material comforts .wants to make the world a better place.but often misunderstood as arrogant or weird.

11) Introverts are Highly sensitive ,empathetic .avoids conflicts most of the time.hence can be misunderstood as weak and subservient.

12) Introverts are best in Creative,Marketing and Educational Field.Some of the Introverts are:Bill Gates,Steven Spielberg,Emma Watson,Steve Jobs,JK Rowlings,Albert Einstein,Issac Newton,Mark Zukerburg,Warren Buffet,Elon Musk,Larry Page,Barack Obama.

13) Introverts are most likely to be depressed easily but can bounce back stronger.

14) Introverts are reserved, plan their actions and control their emotions. They tend to be serious,reliable and pessimistic.

15) Introverts cannot be expected to “become” extroverts. They simply have a different temperament and manner of handling things. Sometimes the best solutions come from having a combination of the two personality types.

16) Introverts do not tend to have tons of friends. Instead, they intensely value their close friends. If you have an introvert friend, you probably have an ally for life.

17) Introverts do not tend to have tons of friends.Instead, they intensely value their close friends. If you have an introvert friend, you probably have an ally for life.

18) Introverts don't like to draw attention to themselves.

19) Introverts generally prefer to be valued for what they can bring to the table as an individual rather than how well they fit in with a group. Because they prefer to think for themselves, they seldom are left to follow what is thought of as popular.

20) Introverts hates parties and other social gatherings too many people .too much bickering which drains their energy.

21) Introverts have Thicker Nerve Tissues in the Prefrontal Cortex (Part of the brain responsible for making decisions). Hence, It's speculated that introverts tend to make better decisions, while extroverts are able to live in the moment without thinking or worrying too much.

22) Introverts have a best creativity knowledge So they can be good artists,writers,musicians etc.

23) Introverts ideal eating setups are at home with some soulful music around rather than big restaurants.

24) Introverts need some time to do self introspection and do things they enjoy. Introverts enjoy solitude most of the time.

25) Introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and minimize their contact with other people.

26) Introverts want company just as much as extroverts do, but they prefer it in either short closes or with people they know well.

27) Most of Introverts hates phone calls as they lead to unnecessary conversation. Hence prefers to text as they are good at writing.

28) One biological theory explains that introverts naturally have high cortical arousal (the speed and amount of brain activity) and may process more information per second. Therefore, introverts tend to avoid highly active environments.

29) People who are introvert tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.

30) Rainy days at home are blessings Period for Introverts according to surveys.

31) Recharging is important to introverted individuals. Rather that going out all of the time, they place a high value on quiet and restful time so that they can feel refreshed and prepared.

32) The downside of introverts are that introverts may get stuck in their heads.They tend to over-analyze both positive and negative events. They replay the memories continuously in their mind, over and over again.

33) Those who are introverted do not necessarily want to be alone all the time. However, they do tend to be more comfortable with their own thoughts than others.

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