1) Animals can form lifelong friendships with individuals that are not from their own species.Many studies have shown that chimpanzees, baboons,cows,horses, elephants and dolphins make friends, not necessarily from their own species,forever. In fact, whales literally have BFFs!
2) It is scientifically proven that the company of good friends reduces stress in life.
3) When faced with major illness, individuals with a good social network are in a better position to survive.
4) A 2004 study published in the American Sociological Review said that the average number of trusted friends fell by a third in the past 20 years. Instead, in the same duration, the proportion of people with no confidantes had doubled.
5) Close friends share about 1% of their DNA.
6) Did you know that hanging out in a group of friends can make you look more attractive? This is called the cheerleader effect. You and your friends must just look good together!
7) Friendship can offer an enduring lifelong bond and become an unrivaled source of mutual support, both emotional and instrumental—but it is important to recognize that a friendship untended can quickly become a friendship ended.
8) Friendship is even stronger when you know what irritates your friend,Dr. Charity Friesen called this the ‘if-then’ profile. She believes that knowing a friend's reactions when faced with different situations is as important as knowing their tastes.
9) Friendship is good for your health. Believe it or not, people with larger networks of friends actually live longer!
10) Friendship is the emotion babies recognize even before they start walking or talking.According to a study conducted at the University of Chicago, even young babies can understand social relationships, especially friendship, before they can walk or talk.
11) Friendships are among the most essential and supportive types of relationships you will ever establish, because while family relationships are (typically) non-negotiable, friendship is a voluntary institution.
12) Genuine friendships take more than a post on a network to keep them strong, although no one could argue that those are convenient places for friendships to begin.
13) If you don’t expect a lot from a friend, it probably doesn’t hurt to assume each likes you as much as you like them. Following the old adage to treat others the way you would like to be treated isn’t a bad idea.
14) In a lifetime, you make many friends, but Psychologically only 1 out of 12 friendships lasts forever according to mind capabilities reviewed in survey.
15) In friendship when a person refuses to discuss the problem there is no chance of ever getting it resolved.
16) In our culture, more is always assumed to be better. But the real measure of your relationships might be found in asking yourself how many of your social media friends or followers would be willing to lend you cab fare or offer you a place to sleep if you turned up unexpectedly. That’s the kind of investment in a relationship that true friendship warrants and that true friends provide.
17) Intelligent people tend to have less friends than the average person.The smarter the person is,the more selective they become.
18) It’s the friendship aspect in a marriage that makes it last longly.successful marriages are based a great deal on deep friendship according to survey.
19) Mutual respect for each other's company plus a good knowledge of each other's quirks, likes and dislikes, is good for the marriage. Spouses who are friends try harder to make repair attempts during a spat.
20) Not having any friends can be dangerous to your health.Lonely people listen up! Having zero friends is as bad for your health as smoking or being overweight.
21) Our best friends are pretty much like us.It’s right for most cases - you and your friend share the same social identity for your other friends and social circle.
22) Remember: Not every friendship is going to be a “friends forever” type of relationship; sometimes, it is about “friends of convenience” and those we need most in a situation. And if things grow less convenient, and that individual isn’t available in the way that he or she once used to be, that’s actually quite all right.
23) Research has revealed that, when you gain a new romantic partner, you may lose two of your closest friends or not give more attention to your friendship,like you do before.
24) Shared interests and proximity—real or virtual—are the fastest paths to finding friends, and if that intersection of two lives begins online, it can yet develop into its own type of relationship over time.
25) Studies show that most adults have only one or two close friends beyond their significant others.
26) The voluntary nature of friendships, and our mutual commitment to the relationships are the hallmarks of any friendship’s very existence. Unless two people consider their relationship a friendship, it simply doesn’t exist.
27) Treating everyone like they are a good friend may make your path through life a little easier. Being kind, providing favors, and helping others can actually make you feel better about yourself and life.
28) Unfortunately, recent research indicates that most people are unable to accurately identify those who have truly earned a place in their friendship network. In fact,only about half of the relationships that we perceive as friendships actually are friendships.
29) We need allies. Scientists aren't totally sure why we have friends. One theory, though, is that we're unconsciously building a support system in preparation of future conflicts.
30) When faced with major illnesses, those individuals with a great social network are in a better position to survive. The loving support of friends helps them through the healing process.
31) Your brain reacts the same way when you are in danger and when a friend is.
32) Your close friends influence your weight.Believe it or not, if your best friend eats a healthy diet you are likely to do the same. If she’s a junk food eater, then you better make her see sense!
33) Your emotions are influenced by the people or friends around you. If everyone around you is sad, you will feel sadness, too. If everyone is happy and excited, that is infectious, and makes others happy as well. This is why it is important to escape toxic environments, especially if people in your surroundings are aggressive and violent.
psychology life facts.
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