Left Hand People.

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1) According to research Left handed likely to have allergies than most of people.

2) According to research lefties are 3 times more likely to become alcoholics – the right side of the brain has a lower tolerance to alcohol!

3) According to tradition myth, an itchy left hand indicates you will lose money. An itchy right hand indicates you will receive money.

4) August 13th is “Left-Hander’s Day” Launched in 1996, this yearly event celebrates left-handedness and raises awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience every day in a world designed for right-handers

5) Divergent thinking is one area left-handed people excel in when compared to right-handed people.

6) In many Islamic countries, people are forbidden to eat with their left hand, which is considered “unclean” because it is used for cleaning the body after defecation.

7) Increased levels of testosterone in the womb has been shown to increase the chances of becoming left-handed. This may explain the correlation that seems to exist between left-handedness and some immune disorders, as testosterone has been linked to immune disorders.

8) Left Handed people make up roughly 12% of the population.

9) Left Handed people uses the right side of the brain the most comparing to right handed people.Famous left-handed intellectuals include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin.

10) Left Handers are more prone to migraines.

11) Left handed are more likely to be insomniacs.

12) Left handed can recover from strokes faster.

13) Left handed people are better at 3D perception and thinking.

14) Left handed people are less able to roll their tongue than a rightly(That is bizarre but true)

15) Left handed people are tend to reach puberty 4 to 5 months later than right handers.

16) Left-Handed People Are More Likely to Get Angry.

17) Left-handedness has also been called mancinism, sinistromanuality, and cackhandedness. Other colloquialisms for left-handedness include skivvy-handed, scrummy-handed, kaggy-fisted, cawk-fisted, gibble-fisted, southpaw, cunny-and ballock-handed.

18) Left-handedness is twice as common in twins than in the general population.

19) Left-handedness runs in families. Lefties in the British royal family include the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William.

20) Lefties are More likely to be on extreme poles of the intelligence scale.

21) Lefties are better at multi-tasking than right handers.

22) Lefties are good at Drawing figures facing to the right.

23) Lefties are more adjust to seeing underwater quicker.

24) Lefties are more likely to pursue creative careers.

25) Lefties have a Twice as likely to be a man.

26) Lefties make especially good baseball players, tennis players, swimmers, boxers and fencers (almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties)

27) Lefties nails grow faster on the left hand than the right.

28) Most Lefties are more likely to suffer stuttering and dyslexia.

29) The eight most recent U.S Presidents, 4 have been left handed.

30) On a QWERTY keyboard there are 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand, whilst only 187 are typed with the right hand.

31) One evolutionary account for why left-handedness has survived is that it confers a fighting advantage - the so-called "fighting hypothesis".There are many studies in the literature that explore the left-hander's advantage in sports like boxing and fencing.

32) Studies have suggested that left-handers are more talented in spatial awareness, math, and architecture. Right-handers tend to be more talented verbally.

33) The right hand is mentioned positively 100 times in the Bible, while the left hand is mentioned only 25 times, all negatively.It's a myth about taking lefties as a negative person,which is changed now.

34) Left handed college graduates go on to become 26% richer than right handed graduates.

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