Realities Part 17

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Callum looked around. What just happened? He sat up, rubbing his eyes. Then he heard a mumble. He looked to the side and jumped nearly a foot in the air. There was somebody in bed with him. 

He scrambled out of the sheets, crashing to the floor. The figure muttered something and sat up. Purple eyes glared at him. 

"Callum, love I'm trying to sleep. Mind being loud later?" Rayla asked. She lay back down, her back facing Callum. 

Callum started to freak. "Rayla, you- Claudia? Powder????" Rayla sighed and sat up again. 

"I'm training the Dragon guard today Callum! Its six in the morning! Go to sleep!"  

Callum felt dizzy and he passed out again. When he woke he was lying in a dark field. 

Suddenly an ear shattering BOOM filled his ears and he sat up. The sky lite up with fire and pieces of metal rained down on Callum's head like small daggers. 

Callum ran blindly until he stumbled into something. A trench.

"Woah their soldier!" Somebody yelled over the screaming and explosions. 

"Hes no soldier hes a child!" Somebody else exclaimed. Callum pulled his knees to his chest. 'What in the world is going on?!' He thought. 

"LETS GO!!!" Screamed a voice and men ran out of the trench. Callum was dragged along. Gun shots echoed in his ears, and then a searing pain pierced his chest. Callum fell to his knees and choked on blood. The dizzy feeling returned and blackness concerned everything. 

Over and over this happened. Callum passed out, woke up and something changed. He was being pulled by a mermaid that looked a lot like Rayla, then was pushed into a room after the mermaid said "You've gotta meet the king".

Then he was at the top of the storm spire, pulling a muscle while he was doing a jumping jack. (Only true TDP fans will understand this reference. If you do, marry me.) 

He kept switching realities, not knowing how to stop it until he blacked out in the middle of a baking competition. 

But this time he didn't wake up. 

Authors Note:

I'm thinking of adding some Klance stuff on my page, but don't worry, Rayllum still owns my heart. 

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