Clip Part 13

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Callum whipped around to his brother. "W-what did you say?!" In an instant he was in front of Ezran, his hands on his shoulders. "Where is she?!" 

Ez held up the fabric and a moon clip. The clip had been from Callum as a gift.

Tears filled Callum's eyes. Then Ez pulled out a little bit of neon green goo. 

"Dark magic." Ez said. Callum growled. 

"Claudia." He stood and turned to Opeli, power filling his voice. "Get us ready, we're going to find Rayla." He said and turned to Ezran. "Show us where she is." He commanded and Ez nodded, rushing away with Opeli to get everything ready. 

~Lazy author time skip~

Callum and Ezran flew over the land, nearing Xadia's border. Sol Regem was now dead, and the border was open to most. Callum's dark magic scent was explained and he was free to pass now. 

They landed and Phoe-Phoe lay down in the shade while Ezran and Callum ran into Xadia. Moonstriders had been left at the border for them and they mounted and took off to the Storm Spire. 

Despite the dire situation however Callum was still slipping and almost butt crashing onto the ground and he wished for the 1 millionth time that Rayla was with him. The two brothers rode the rest of the day but finally stopped when the outline of the Spire came into view.

They made camp, as night crept up behind them, filling their side of the world with inky black darkness and bone chilling cold. Stars sprinkled the sky and the almost full moon cast a haunting glow on the Xadian ground, lighting up the plants connected to the Moon Arcanum. 

Callum lay on his blanket, looking at the moon, a tear falling down his cheek. On the other hand, Rayla raised her wet head, getting a glimpse of the moon, as it cast shadows on her now scared face. Then Claudia shoved her head back into the water. Rayla hoped with all her heart that Callum and Ezran would come. She wouldn't last much longer like this. 

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