Awake Part 19

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First a few days.

Then a week.

Then two weeks.

Then three.

And four.






It had been about two months.

And Callum still hadn't woken up. It killed Rayla. She sat next to him every day, praying to the Xadian stars that he'd open his eyes, sit up, and hug her.

And yet Callum 'slept' on. His body refused to move. And every day Callum felt more and more scared that he'd die in his own body.

It was June 4, a very special day. The day Rayla and Callum had their first kiss in the Moon Oasis. Rayla walked into Callum's bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed, resting her hands in her lap.

"Hey." She whispered. "It's me, Rayla. I hope your doing better." She choked back tears. "I love you. And, it's been a year since we kissed in the Oasis." She gently leaned down and kissed Callum just like she had done in the Midnight Desert.

Callum violently tried to move. He wanted to hold Rayla more than ever.

'Please please please please' Callum begged his body. Rayla stood up.

"I'll come by later." She said. "Wake up soon." She turned and headed to the door.

'Just let me move!!' Callum screamed at his body. Then his eyes shot open. Callum froze before trying to move again.

His toes wiggled. Callum's eyes were wide. He tried moving again. His legs twitched.

Rayla set her hand on the doorknob.

Callum moved one arm, then the other, then his mouth, and yelled "Wait!"

Rayla froze.

Callum struggled to sit up, his whole body having fallen into paresthesia. (Which pretty much means your foot fell asleep, but it's like his whole body)

Rayla slowly turned around. Tears streaked her cheeks and when she saw Callum actually up, they flowed faster.

"Callum!" She cried and threw her arms around him. They were both crying now, and Callum stiffly wrapped his arms around his one and only love.

"I'm here, I'm here calm down." He whispered. A few minutes later Rayla pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"Your okay." She said, her voice cracking. She set her hand on Callum's cheek and he smiled.

"I am." He said and Rayla broke down into tears again.

"I'm sorry I'm crying." She said, hugging Callum tightly.

Callum stroked her hair. "I don't mind." After another few minutes, Callum pulled away. "You should probably go grab Ethari."

Rayla's eyes went wide and she jumped up. "Xadia, your right. I'll be right back!" She called as she ran out the door.

Callum smiled. He had a feeling that everything was going to be okay. Or maybe it was his still half-asleep body.  

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