Sadness Part 7

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Rayla and Callum were extremely happy. And red. Their cheeks were very very red. But they didn't care. They got home smiling and then sat down to tell everybody what happened. 

Claudia on the other hand was not enjoying the happy announcement. She went back into the forest and grabbed some red berries. Moon berries. Claudia then proceeded back to her hideout. She threw the berries into a pot and added some water. Then she viciously chucked in a black tooth and screamed but when she sank down to the ground her next scream sounded more like a sob. 

She walked outside, hugging herself. I bright light illuminated the forest and suddenly an elf was next to Claudia. He talked in his soft melodic voice that was once interesting but now comforting to Claudia. 

"Its all right, sweet Claudia. Once we're done you won't have to worry about Rayla." 

"I don't want to harm her though!" Claudia cried looking up at the elf. 

The elf chuckled. He took a black flower from somewhere and tucked it into Claudia's hair. "I know you'll make the right choice. After all, you've known Callum longer than the elf. You know whats best for him. You know what you need to do." 

Then Aaravos disappeared. 

Claudia looked down at the ground her lips pulling down slowly, her face smoothing out, her eyes dry. 

She did know what she had to do. 

And she was going to do it. 

Callum and Rayla sent a messenger hawk out to Ezran, and decided to have the wedding at Katolis. So they packed up and left Pământ. They walked hand in hand, Rayla pointing out everything in site and Callum staring at it in wonder. After a bit they reached the edge of the midnight desert. 

"Oh dang it. I forgot about this!" Rayla said. 

"Its all right." Callum said and sat down at the edge. "What time is it?" He asked grinning. 

"Uhh about 3:47, why?" Rayla looked at Callum quizzically. Callum just grinned and pointed at the desert. Rayla squinted and saw a shadow. 

"Oh no no no!!! Not this again!" Rayla hung her head and glared at Callum. 

"Oh c'mon Ray!! She's not that bad!" Callum said, the shadow getting closer. 

"Callum, i refuse." Rayla said. 

Callum: -_-

Rayla: -.-

Callum finally convinced Rayla to ride with Naimi-Selari-Nykantia one more time. And she finally did it. Begrudgingly. 

The night had grown dark, stars already sprinkling the sky. Nyx stopped at the Oasis and dropped down with the sleeping bags. She handed one to Callum and one to Rayla, turning with another one in her hand. 

"Oh! Uh, Nyx?" Callum awkwardly asked. 

"Yes?" Nyx turned. 

"Um." Callum handed his sleeping bag to her. "We only need one." 

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