End Part 20

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Callum and Rayla got married, had three kids, and lived happily ever after, restoring peace to Xadia and the five human kingdoms. Even though everything wasn't perfect, trying and failing is better then failing to try.

Claudia and Viren were never heard from again. Although Callum liked to give them both the benefit of the doubt and said that they probably fixed their lives and just didn't want to go back to their past mistakes.

Ezran ruled the kingdom powerfully and was one of the best kings. He missed his father everyday but he knew that his dad was proud of him and Callum. Ezran did not get married, but kept Ellis and Ava close by his side.

Ethari and Rayla stayed in contact, and although Ethari missed him terribly, Runnan never came back. Ethari never re-married nor dated somebody else, as his heart forever belonged to Runnan and nobody would ever take it away. 

And this my friends, is where Claudia Finds Out comes to an end. I had a lot of fun writing this, and I'm glad some of you guys liked it! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and silly comments, they make my day. If you got to here, here's a cookie for you 🍪 and a cookie for your best friend 🍪 *hands cookie to mah best friend Pheonix_Kay18* Thank you guys so much, I love you all. Stay safe and I wish the best for you!! (And thank you sillydragon123 for actually inspiring me to write this story, even though Reactions To Rayllum will always be 100 times better)

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