Operation: Not kill you.

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"You're joking me" said George angrily storming into the head agents office. "I can't be put with that big headed moron! He doesn't talk about anything except himself! He's too cocky to be able to even handle this mission without us getting caught immediately!"

"That's too bad" the agent said immediately. "Yes Dream thinks highly of himself but sometimes that comes in handy. At the end of the day he is a great spy."

"I can't do it. I cannot spend everyday of my life with that dumbass." George sighed and walked to the door. "Please reconsider"

"Nope. It's Dream or you're fired" the agent said, clearly done with George. "The door is hard to close, give it a bit of a pull on your way out."

George sighed again, walking down the hall. This was ridiculous. He hated Dream and he knew Dream wasn't a fan of him either. Their personalities did not work well together and they seemed to have nothing in common. The mission started tomorrow morning first thing and they would meet at the centre of town, if Dream decided to actually show. George finished up some paperwork and went home.

George woke up for a moment and was at peace. Then he remembered he was about to spend the whole day with Dream and groaned. It was going to be a long day.

He put on a blue hoodie and some navy jeans to seem casual and to blend in with the city as they tried to get a lead in this case. He grabbed his keys and headed to where they were supposed to meet. To his surprise, Dream was already there.

"Finally. We need to start by going to the"-Dream started before being cut off by George.

"I know where we're going, we have to same files" snapped George, already walking towards the big cafè near the end of the street. Dream smirked and followed behind.

"So, pretty boy, since you know so much about the files, what's the plan?" Dream said moving beside George so they were walking together.

"We- Don't call me that, first of all, second of all just follow me, we can talk about it down there" George said dryly, attempting to walk faster than Dream but failing.

"No need to be sassy" Dream laughed.

George gave him a dirty look.

Once they reached the cafè they took a seat near the back, out of earshot.

"So basically, at around 11am, that's in 20 minutes, there should"- George started

-"yes I can tell the time" Dream said sarcastically.

"Stop interrupting me" George said dryly.

"Stop acting better than me then" Dream remarked, leaning slightly closer to George.

"Ok- god, just listen. At 11am the local 'crackhead' usually comes in for a coffee. I say we pretend we're interested in drugs for our own use and see where he sends us." George said leaning back.

"That is the worst plan ever. You don't just walk up to someone and say: HELLO! PLEASE MAY YOU TELL ME WHERE YOU PURCHASED THOSE FINE LOOKING DRUGS" Dream said, looking sarcastically at George.

"That's not- What's your plan then, Mr. Knowitall?" George responded, folding his arms.

"Thanks for using my full title. The plan I thought of was to just follow him, I mean he's spending money now that must mean he has cash on him." Dream said, raising an eyebrow. "We are spies right?"

"Yeah that's uh- actually smart" George admitted. "So... what do we do while we wait?"

"Ah titmouse" Dream said, checking his phone.

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