Mission completed

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This chapter is 6k words because I got carried away and drank 3 monsters in a row and couldn't sleep so get your snacks and drinks now 😵‍💫

{This is the last chapter but i'm definitely going to write more in the future, if you have any suggestions or want to vote on upcoming stories follow my twitter sapfikos <3}

Also tw for violence, torture, choking [sadly not the good kind]

George came up with a plan as him and Sapnap were driving. He texted his plan to Mallory and Penelope who would send it to the other spies. He also carefully explained every detail to Sapnap. They only had one shot and all they could do now was hope it would work.

They parked their cars a few metres away from the building, just enough to be out of view. The spies and Sapnap all took their places, hiding around the sides of the building making sure to avoid any windows or openings.

George breathed out heavily, cracking his knuckles anxiously. He approached the door to the building which was worn down and the wood appeared to be rotting. He knocked on the door. There was no going back now.

There was a lot of shuffling and murmuring inside the building, which gradually got louder until eventually the door creaked open slowly.

George recognised the face peering out as Quackity. Quackity stared at him for a moment in confusion before recognising him. His jaw dropped for a split second but he abruptly shut his mouth, clashing his teeth together.

Quackity turned around quickly and shouted "Hey Dream! Greg or whoever you said is here!" Quackity stood out of the doorway to allow George in.

George had only just stood in when the door was slammed behind him, being tightly wedged into the door frame.

George was shocked at how easy that was. Now he just needed to get Dream and get out-

George gasped when he saw Dream at the end of the room. He was tied to a chair, his hands behind his back and his legs to the legs of the chair. He also appeared to have some kind of dirty rag in his mouth. From what George could see, Dream's eyes were glossy and there were tear stains down his cheeks.

George's heart broke.

"Take one more step and one of my friends will slit your darling Dreamie's throat. Isn't that right Andrew?" Quackity stated.

One of the muscular men standing to the left of Dream nodded.

George was stuck. He looked over at Dream to reassure him with his eyes. He had never seen him like this before. Dream was always so calm and composed. George had to drag his eyes away because of the look Dream was giving him. He couldn't bare to see Dream like that.

George looked at Quackity.

"So what can I do for you to let him go?" George asked.

"Ehhh, There's not much you can do. We're probably going to kill both of you. Neither of you can be trusted to be let go but really? Dream texting you the locations of where we were? If I had found out sooner I would have killed him on the spot, but since I knew you were coming I thought I'd draw it out. Now you can watch while we kill him. Clyde, get George or whoever" Quackity demanded.

George screamed at the top of his lungs. The other large man who had been standing to the right of Dream was approaching him. He was much bigger than him but George wasn't giving up now. Hopefully the scream had been loud enough for the other spies to hear.

George had to plan his strategy carefully. First of all he had to take on Clyde. Luckily he could use his height to his advantage. George quickly dipped around Clyde and kicked the back of his knees with every bit of force he had in his body. It was enough to make Clyde wobble so that George could jump up on his back and topple him.

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