Not very secret agents.

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Thanks to ssgtdp for editing this 🙏 I know you had a rough time because I can't seem to capitalise my i's anyway go follow their insta/wattpad. 👍🏼

It had been three days since they had escaped from the basement, both Dream and George had returned home safely. George did spend a day in the hospital, however none of his cuts were infected so after a couple bandages, he was ready to leave. He had agreed to let Dream come over today, Dream seemed to be worried about him.

George was startled by the sound of knocking. He remembered it was only Dream, he stood up to answer the door.

"George," Dream greeted. "Hi, you alright?" He walked past George and sat down on the couch.

"Yeah I'm fine," George responded. "And you?"

"I'm fine too. Look George I- we need to talk about what happened back in New York."

"What is there to say?" George asked, glancing at him.

"Look I don't know why I did it. It meant nothing, I just hope you understand that." Dream explained.

"Oh- yeah, I do," George agreed. "So... friends?"

"Yeah, friends." Dream replied. They smiled at each other.

"Although I will still make fun of you every opportunity I get." Dream teased.

"Of course you will," George retorted.

"I was in the office earlier." Dream started to say, standing up. "We have another mission and we're partners again."

George rolled his eyes.

"Of course. So what is the mission about this time?" George questioned him.

"It's very simple actually. We're just looking for a guy suspected to have stolen some artefact and sold it. We have a picture of him, so it's fairly easy." Dream babbled on.

"Ok, where do we look first?" George asked again, leaning against the counter.

"We're actually going to a fancy ball. It's going to be full of rich people and supposedly the guy we're looking for is going to be there," Dream answered.

"A ball? Like the dancing kind with the dresses and suits?" George asked, confused.

"Obviously George. We were even given money to go shopping for new suits." Dream corrected. "Speaking of, we're going shopping tomorrow so be ready for that. I will pick you up at 10am." He added.

Dream got up and walked out the door.

"Bye then," George sighed, walking to his kitchen to get some food. He relaxed on his couch watching tv all day until it was late; he went to bed.

George woke up groggily to the sound of knocking on his door.

"Shit!" he whisper yelled, checking his phone. It was 10am and he was nowhere near ready. "I'll be out in a second!" he called, dashing around his room. He threw on a hoodie and some jeans before running out the door.

"What took you so long?" Dream questioned. "Did you even brush your hair? It's all messy." He added.

"No, I didn't have time. I woke up late. Mind your own business anyway." George grumbled.

"I am, it's just- it's kinda"- Dream started.

"It's kinda what?" George asked, a small smirk was evident on his face.

"It's- Oh nevermind. Just get in the car we're late already," Dream said, walking to the left side of the car and entering.

They drove for about twenty minutes before stopping at a small boutique.

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