No seriously I can't think of anymore spy related puns. Please help.

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Today was the day. George's suit had been delivered. He tried it on to make sure it was fitting perfectly, which it was of course, seeing as it had been custom made. He looked at himself in the mirror whilst thinking about the dances he would be doing today. He was dragged out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing.

He walked to his phone and saw it was Dream who was calling. He hesitated for a moment, but then answered.

"Hey George, you ready?" Dream asked. I'll be there to pick you up in an hour."

"Yeah, I'm almost ready." George answered, walking back to the mirror to adjust his tie. He also remembered that he needed to brush his hair so Dream wouldn't make fun of him.

"Good" Dream stated. "I'll see you then." Before George could answer, he hung up.

George rolled his eyes before walking to his bedroom to brush his hair. He was hit by a wave of nervousness once again. Did his hair actually look bad? Did he brush his teeth? He knew Dream would be looking the part perfectly, as usual. He didn't want Dream to be embarrassed by him, especially since they would be surrounded by fancy rich people.

George knew he needed to stop stressing himself out or he'd work himself up too much. He decided to make a smoothie while he had some spare time. He was in the middle of drinking it when he heard a loud bang on the door. His hand shook with the fright and some of the smoothie landed on his shirt.

"GEORGE, YOU READY?" Dream's voice boomed from behind the door.

George stared in shock at the stain on his white shirt. He was panicking so hard he couldn't answer Dream.

"George?" Dream called again. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

George slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey George, what took so long?" Dream inquired. He looked down at George's shirt. "Oh you idiot."

Dream pushed past George before turning to face him. "Where's your bedroom?" he demanded.

"It's down the hall to the right" George muttered.

Before George could say anything else, Dream grabbed him and pulled him down the hall to his room.

Dream hastily opened George's closet and started rummaging through clothes.

"You have a spare white shirt surely?" Dream questioned, pulling clothes out and tossing them onto George's bed.

"Yeah they're in the drawers over there" George said, pointing to a small white chest of drawers on the other side of the room.

Dream hurried over. "Take off the wet shirt quickly, we're going to be late." he ordered.

George hesitantly took off his jacket, shirt and tie and waited for Dream to find a new shirt. It wasn't long before Dream found it and quickly made his way over with it.

"Put this on" Dream demanded, handing the shirt to George. "I'll soak the shirt in water before it stains."

George put back on his shirt, jacket and tie before quickly walking out to the kitchen. Dream was soaking his shirt in water in his sink.

"Finally" Dream spoke. "We have to get going George, we're going to be late."

Dream went out the door while George followed, hot on his heels. George paused briefly to lock his door, and then followed Dream to the car. Dream started driving before George could even close the car door. He drove as fast as he could, almost causing several car crashes as he went.

Once they arrived at their destination, they were stopped by a valet person on their way through the gate, who offered to park the car. They agreed and got out to walk to the door. It was a massive building with a beautiful large door leading into a ballroom.

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