chapter 18

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sexual themes, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are involved in this chapter; content marked +13.

carina's outfit above (minus the high heels). fred's at the end of the chapter.


"We have to do something," says Adrian as they enter the Common Room. He pulls Cassius and Carina into a corner, not wanting others to hear. "There's no way you're going back to the Manor, not for two straight months without anyone to help you," they'd just witnessed Lucius threatening her and Draco. Even if they couldn't hear what was going on, they already had an idea.

Carina sighs, running a hand through her hair and shaking her head, "A, stop," she murmurs, "I literally can't do anything about it. I'm not of age. Not until November -" Cassius cuts her off mid sentence.

"But I will be, in July," he interjects, "What if I moved out? You could come with me, at least for the time being, until you're of age... then we'll see what we can do," suggest the older boy, biting his bottom lip.

"Cass," Carina breathes out, "You'd do that for me?" The hazel eyed boy nods, mumbling a small 'of course'. "I love you, both of you, but you know I can't do that... You know my father. If he finds out I've ran off with any of you, I could be in even more danger than I am now. Not to mention, you would also be in for a treat," she says, pursing her lips when their faces fall. "I know you're trying to help, and believe me, I want nothing more than to live with you - either of you... but I can't put you in that position."

Adrian groans, rubbing his forehead. "I can't believe you have to go back there," he appears to be more in distress than Cassius or Carina, must be because it's the first summer in which he's knowingly letting her go back to hell. The black haired girl looks at him with a sorrowful expression. "Promise you'll at least write, twice a month?" He asks quietly.

Chuckling sadly, Cassius shakes his head, "Mate, we'll be lucky if we get one letter per month," he pats his best mate's back. Adrian exhales deeply, shaking his head in disappointment. Carina bites her lip, hating the feeling of making her friends anything but happy. "Aren't you going to France anyway?"

"Yeah," mumbles Adrian, "My sister was supposed to come to Hogwarts but she ended up getting sent to Beauxbatons instead, so my parents bought a cottage in Paris - I'll just be there for the first month of the holidays," he explains briefly. "I told them I didn't want to go but of course they didn't listen... I feel like there's another reason as to why we're going there..."

"It'll be fine," she reassures them once they fall back into silence. Adrian and Cassius share a look but say nothing, "Hey! None of that, okay?" She throws her arms over their shoulders, resting her head on Adrian's. "It'll go by faster than you think, and we'll be back before you know it. Plus, we still have to take our O.W.Ls," they whine in response, "But not before we party tonight," she grins, pulling away. "Now you two need to rest because I am not coming back here until the A.M!"

That night, the party is set to start later, since Gryffindor wants to celebrate their win amongst themselves first. Carina isn't mad about it, she gets more time to get ready - which she'll need, specially this time. At ten, she gets out of bed and begins the process. She chooses a flat line top in emerald satin that she has been saving for ages now. It's Slytherin green, which she considers fitting to the occasion.

Humming, Carina finds a pair of black jeans that she knows will fit her perfectly, and to tie it all together, she settles for a black and silver belt along with a pair of combat boots. She gets in the shower and then gets dressed in a mere ten minutes. Her make up takes longer, but she's done in about half an hour. By the time she's ready, her dorm mates have already left for the party. Carina puts on her jewellery and some perfume before leaving herself.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now