chapter 43

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To say the Slytherin team is surprised by Carina's abilities as a Chaser, would be an understatement. Fred watches her during practice, and despite feeling pride first, he can't help but feel slightly afraid to play her. George chuckles at the expression on his brother's face. "Is there anything she's bad at?" Questions the younger twin, nudging Fred softly.

"She's not a great baker, apparently," replies Lee, joining in the conversation. "At least that's what Adrian told me," he adds for good measure, shrugging nonchalantly.

"True," hums Fred, nodding. "We tried making brownies during the holidays but they got burnt every single time... she's quite messy too," he says, humanising the girl a little more. Carina throws the Quaffle straight through Miles, who screams in frustration. "Damn..." Mutters Fred, eyes wide.

Because Graham left school, Carina got to take his position, plus, Adrian became Captain of the team. "C'mon, Bletchley! Watch the Quaffle!" Instructs Adrian, shaking his head at the Keeper. "Well done, Nina! Good one!"

Carina smiles at her friend, "Thank you, Captain!" She calls back, smirking when Adrian lets out a laugh along with Cassius. Draco flies over to his sister, offering her a fist bump and congratulating her on that goal. "Thanks, Dragon," nods Carina, making his grin grow.

Suddenly, their attention from practice slips when they see Umbridge making her way to the library, through the Quidditch Pitch, without a care in the world. Carina rolls her eyes, flying a little higher as to avoid the pink toad. It's been a few weeks since she was appointed High Inquisitor - whatever that meant. Everyone is annoyed at Dumbledore for being so lenient and letting the Ministry's spy take over Hogwarts so easily, but no one as much as Harry and Carina. Apparently, the Headmaster has been avoiding Harry for no reason at all.

Fred and George glare at the woman and the older twin pulls out his wand, shooting out a Stinting Spell at her feet. Umbridge lets out a yelp, jumping at the feeling. The three Gryffindor boys hide their smirks, simply staring at the woman as she searches for her attacker. Carina chuckles, making eye contact with Fred and shaking her head at his actions. Though, that doesn't erase the smile from her face. "Heads up!" Shouts Cassius, throwing a Quaffle at Adrian, wanting to watch Umbridge run off the pitch. And she does.

After the Professor leaves, the group breaks out into fits of laughter, which doesn't include Miles, Crabbe and Goyle. Draco rolls his eyes at their attitude, flying over to Cass and patting his back with a smirk on his face. They continue practicing for another half an hour until the Ravenclaw team approaches the area, letting them know their time is up. The Slytherins fly down and the three Gryffindors join them by the changing rooms. "You were fantastic," Lee tells his boyfriend with a soft grin. Adrian replies by kissing his lips gently, nodding as a thank you.

Fred walks over to his girlfriend, taking her hand in his and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "You've gotten better since that summer, Nina," praises George, squeezing his best friend's shoulder.

Before Carina can even thank him, Draco butts in. "Which summer?" Questions the younger boy, raising an eyebrow at Carina, who suddenly realises his brother was unaware of her going to the Burrow that time. As far as Draco knows, Carina always stayed at Hogwarts whenever he went back to the Manor on his own. George hisses after Fred smacks the back of his head, apologising under his breath. "Nina?"

The green eyed girl sighs, "A couple summers ago I went to the Burrow," she confesses, looking over at her brother, who seems surprised. "Sorry, Dray... George asked me over and I couldn't say no. He'd asked a bunch of times before that -"

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