chapter 08

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Psst. Psst.

Carina stops in her tracks at the small sound, squinting as she looks around to see who's trying to get her attention. Suddenly, George's head pops out from the side of the wall, eyes big as he waves her over exaggeratedly before hiding once again. Chuckling, she walks towards him, tightening the tie around her neck, subtly looking around to make sure no one's watching. Instantly, he wraps his arms around her, hugging her to his chest tightly.

"Ouch, George - careful," she murmurs, pulling away after a minute, back aching. "Sorry, you just got stronger over the summer," that isn't a lie, but it also isn't the whole truth. George apologises quickly, smiling at her in a sheepish manner. Carina runs a hand through her hair with a chuckle, "How was Egypt?" She wonders softly, leaning into the wall.

"Hot and dry," replies the boy with ease, shrugging nonchalantly. Carina laughs at his way of describing a two month holiday. "Got to see Bill and Charlie - he joined us from Romania," George tells her, smiling at the thought. Carina can't help but think back about how handsome those two looked in the photos he'd attached on the letters he'd sent. "Yeah, knew you'd like that... you cheeky witch," the girl laughs, throwing her head back, shaking it slightly.

"Not my fault your brothers could be actual models," she settles on saying. George narrows his eyes at the implication, pouting childishly, "As can you, George, of course. You're single handedly the handsomest Weasley I have ever seen! Hands down!" Exclaims Carina in a dramatic way.

Snorting, George shakes his head changing the topic of conversation, "You've gotten taller," he notes, taking in her appearance. She's also become more womanly, but of course, he doesn't make a comment of that. He's certain Fred will though, as eloquent as ever. George knows for a fact, Carina doesn't mind this. "Still not as tall as me," adds George with a smirk.

The girl rolls her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest, defiantly. "I could never grow as tall as you... But I'm good with being 5'8 and a half, thank you very much," Carina says, smiling at her best friend. "I missed you, you know? I wish I could've written... Sorry it took me so long," she murmurs, sending him an apologetic, sad smile. That's always the worst part about the holidays, being far away and not being able to do anything about it.

Instead of getting angry, George mimics the look on her face. "You don't have to apologise for that. I've met your dad twice now, remember? I know how much he hates you being friends with me," it hurts him, she can tell by the expression on his face, the emotion behind his eyes. Still, she's thankful he doesn't push it any further than that. "He's a prick though, d'you know that?"

You've got no idea. Carina shakes her head with a false look of indignation, "Whatever do you mean? He's fantastic!" George raises an eyebrow before Nina breaks with a humourless laugh, "Just joking, he's biggest arse on the planet," She agrees as George nods. "If you still think inviting me over for Christmas is a good idea, I can make it happen," she tells him softly, grinning as his face lights up and he keeps nodding excitedly, "I think Draco's going back anyway, so I could tell Cass and Adrian I'm going the Manor too and just leave with you instead," what's one more lie?

"Mum would love to have you over!" George says truthfully. "Sure, Ron and Fred may take some convincing but they're not the important ones," Carina huffs at the mention of Fred. "Yeah, I know you're not the best of friends but that's why I'm there, right? I won't let it get awkward," he says, trying to make it better. 

Carina's about to say something when she sees Lee and Fred walking in their direction. She then feels Lee lightly hugging her from behind, draping his arm around her shoulders, "How're you doing, Nina? I heard you passed out on the train -"

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now