chapter 27

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mature content +18 (start and end will be marked with *, if uncomfortable pls skip). no pregnancy scares.


Everyone sits down for dinner at their respective tables. Cassius and Adrian fight with each other over who gets to sit next to Nina, since Draco has already taken the spot on her right. Evidently, Cassius wins, shoving Adrian aside when he gets distracted when Lee comes over. "Arse," mutters the longer haired boy

"Git," retorts Cassius with a triumphant grin, flicking two fingers up, giving him a V sign.

"Hi, Nina," says Lee, waving at the girl after having kissed his boyfriend's cheek. They are so good together, it makes Carina wonder how they didn't get together before.

"Hi, Lee," replies the girl, using the same teasing tone he did, smiling up at him from her seat. "Are you staying with us for dinner?" Lee shakes his head, letting go of Adrian's hand.

"The twins said they have something to tell me - said it's about you... They said you told them to talk to me?" Questions Lee, tilting his head. Carina ahh's, nodding slowly. "Is it bad?" The girl purses her lips as she thinks about it before shaking her head and shrugging. "Alright then," Adrian and Cassius look positively confused, while Draco looks expectant. "See you later, love," whispers Lee, kissing Adrian's cheek one last time before leaving for his table.

Adrian watches him walk away for a second before turning to Carina, "'S this what you wanted to talk to us about?" Asks the boy, looking between Carina and Draco, who hold similar expressions. "Is this about you and Krum?" Carina, looks up at him with a shocked expression on her face. "I saw it in the Prophet! Him giving the Snitch to a mysterious girl. It wasn't you? Sorry, she looks a lot like -"

"Yeah," breathes out Carina, clearing her throat. "That was me," she admits. Draco rubs his temples as Blaise and Pansy start asking questions, but Carina shakes her head. "I'm not gonna talk about that, that was something small and dumb! He just gave it to me because he bumped into me and wanted to apologise -"

" - How did he see you from that far?" Asks Cassius, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know," shrugs the black haired girl. "The Snitch flew past us a few times I think he must've seen me then... That's not what this is about! What I have to tell you is important!" Carina hushes them, making them perk up slightly.

"Go on then," nods Adrian.

Nervously, she takes a deep breath, glancing between her friends. "The thing is... I am not a Malfoy," some people around her turn around at the sound of that, staring at her with bewilderment. She ignores the blatant glances, continuing to look at her friends as their eyebrows raise in surprise. "I am a part of the Black Family, just not a Malfoy," the stares cease after that. Being a Black is just as respectable as being a Malfoy. Not everyone has to know who her father is. In fact, he wouldn't be safe with his name in so many student's mouths. "I'll explain later..."

Cassius rests his elbows on top of the table, tilting his head to the side as he eyes Carina. "You know we don't care about that either way," he tells her honestly. Adrian nods along in agreement. "Your last name means nothing to us. I'd heard something from my parents by the end of the holidays - they said something about Lucius losing you as a daughter, but I just thought you'd run away."

The green eyed girl rolls her eyes, "He's so dramatic," mutters Draco, nose twitching at the mention of his father. "Montague's parents came around to visit too, and let me tell you, they are a fucking pain in the arse -"

"- Dragon -" gasps Carina, the hint of a smile on her lips.

"- They are!" Draco retorts, raising his hands, showing innocence. Cassius and Adrian laugh, as do Pansy and Blaise, who are seated in front of her brother. She's almost certain they already knew about her heritage because of Draco. Of course, she doesn't mind, he had to talk to someone about it, and she appreciates its people they both trust. "Couldn't wait for them to leave," adds Draco for good measure.

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