chapter 21

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The next day, Carina gets called into the Headmaster's office, first thing in the morning. Draco watches with confusion as she leaves without saying anything to anyone. She knows what this is about. Harry and Hermione filled her in last night, she even went to see Ron at the Hospital Wing after he fell asleep to make sure he was okay. Thankfully, he'd only injured his leg because of Padfoot's strong jaw. Harry and Hermione promised to keep everything they learnt last night to themselves. After Carina found out Sirius was Harry's godfather, she believed them.

"You told me he was guilty!" Exclaims Remus once the office door is closed behind Carina, who looks at the Headmaster before turning to her dad, blinking. Remus looks furious, more than she's ever seen him. And with good reason, "You told me not to pursue it!" He points at the older man, anger seeping through his pores.

Not matching his energy, Dumbledore folds his arms, not showing submission but slight regret, "I did not know," says the Headmaster, calmly. "Not any more than you did, Remus." Carina squints, her own emotions bubbling up in her stomach.

"But I did know!" Cries Remus, pulling at his hair in desperation. It's the effect of the full moon mixed in with the fact that his boyfriend almost got to spend the rest of his life in jail. Pettigrew had escaped, or at least that's what Harry told Carina. So, of course, that made Remus even more aggressive. "I told you that it couldn't've been him! I told you that he had to be innocent that there was no way he would leave Carina and I! I told you!" Dumbledore sighs deeply, simply staring at the Professor as he continued.

"You did nothing about it! Nothing! You left him there for twelve years! For twelve years he rotted away in that cell and you -" Remus cuts himself off, turning around to look at his daughter. Immediately, once his eyes are on her, he softens, glancing back at Dumbledore. "You owe him, and Carina. You owe me, after everything I've done for you. Now you have to help us. Help me take my daughter with me," he states, tone serious and face hard. Carina's breath hitches in her throat and Remus' gaze shifts towards her, instinctively, looking to see if she's okay.

Dumbledore sighs profoundly, "You know I can't do that -"

"Oh, but you have to," interrupts Remus, turning his attention back to the older man. "She's not going back there. I'm taking her with me," he says, as if it was already a done deal.

Pursing his lips, Dumbledore looks between the father - daughter duo, shaking his head with sadness, "Remus you mustn't. You can't. You will get in legal trouble. Miss Malfoy -"

"- Black," Carina corrects the Headmaster, bravery filling her heart all of a sudden. "Black-Lupin," she settles on saying. Remus blinks in surprise, feeling his throat tightening as emotions swarm through his chest. He's sure Carina won't be telling others to call her that yet, but in this moment, he's happier than he's ever been.

"- Miss Black-Lupin," repeats Dumbledore, wanting to appease them somehow, "is not of age yet. She has to stay with her legal guardian," explains the Headmaster. "And according to Sirius' last legal documents, that is Narcissa Malfoy. Not you, Remus. So, you can't take her with you," he says, clearing his throat. "And if you do the Aurors will interfere, and there'll be nothing I can do to stop them." It's a fact that if the Ministry were to get Remus because of Carina, they'd get Sirius as well. He wouldn't let them near the werewolf.

Remus rubs his forehead, shaking his head, "She's getting hurt there," he confesses after Carina gives him a reassuring nod.

"Is this true, Miss Black-Lupin?" Asks Dumbledore, turning to the young girl.

"Yes," she responds, nodding and pursing her lips. There's no use in hiding that if they can use it to their advantage. "I don't think Lucius is fit to be a father, I'm scared that if I leave - even if it is later on, when I'm of age - that he'll hurt Draco. I don't want that to happen..." Remus can't help but admire how noble she is, even after knowing they are not true siblings.

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