chapter 52

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tw: mentions of blood, self-harm


Time goes by slowly. So slowly, in fact, Fred feels as though it's frozen. He can't seem to keep writing, the back of his hand aching as his fingers twitch involuntarily. His gaze lingers on Carina and his heart drops to his stomach at the sight of her. There are tear tracks on her cheeks, and her eyes are gleaming with an emotion that he can't quite pinpoint. Unlike him, she's writing nonstop, appearing almost possessed by the quill.

"I trust this was punishment enough and you were able to learn your place in this school," says Umbridge, interrupting the quiet whimpers coming from the younger students. "Off you go now," orders the Professor, shooing them away. Lee, George and Fred get up after they see the younger students have started to make their way out of the classroom, their eyes fixed on Carina and Adrian. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Pucey, Miss Black... You'll get to catch up with your friends in a few minutes," speaks Umbridge sarcastically.

At her words, Carina turns to look at Fred to find him staring back, unsurprisingly. "Go," she mouths, pressing her lips together in a tight, close lipped smile, offering a small nod. Fred's chest tightens as he sees her trying to stay strong for him. He feels Lee tugging on his robe, pulling him out of his head.

Unwillingly, he follows after his best friend and his brother out of class. George immediately goes to Cassius, checking the newly formed scar on the back of his hand. Hermione and Ron are taking care of most of the First and Second Years, applying ointment to their injuries, using Episkey to close the worst looking ones. Without thinking about it twice, Fred does the same thing, applying gentle pressure as he cleans up the wounds, covering them up with a clean cloth.

Inside the classroom, Carina, Adrian and Harry continue with their lines, the three of them as quiet as can be. By now, Nina is sure the nerves on her skin are too damaged to even cause a sensation; she doesn't know how to feel about that. On one hand, it doesn't hurt anymore, and while she knows that's a somewhat positive thing, it somehow makes her feel worse. As the crimson liquid drips from the cuts, her mind wanders to her parents. She can't help but think about how they'd feel if they saw her now. What they'd do, how they'd react... It springs a pang of shame on her chest that she hasn't felt in a while.

"Have you three had enough now?" Asks Umbridge, staring down at the three younger students. Adrian and Harry glare at the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, not moving an inch or uttering a single word. "Miss Black?" Humiliation grows on Carina's chest and even though her natural reaction is to burst into tears, she stops herself short, locking her jaw and sending the deadliest glare she can muster. The hate in their eyes seems to please Umbridge, as one of her signature giggles fills the air. "Alright... I'll see the three of you in class," she says, dismissing them finally.

They get up from their seats without adding anything, not even sparing a second glance to the disgusting woman. Adrian opens the door, holding it for Harry and Carina before exiting the classroom and shutting it behind him. Fred turns around at the sound only to see Carina's already walking away from the group. Judging by the direction in which she's going, she's heading towards the Astronomy Tower. "Carina," he calls, dropping everything and walking after her.

Despite the fact that he wants nothing more than to hold her closely and reassure her everything is going to be okay, Fred decides to give her space by letting her walk on her own with him following close behind. They walk up the stairs and Fred realises Carina does want him there when she leaves the door open for him. "Carina," he speaks her name like a plea, heart in his throat.

The black haired girl is standing a few feet ahead, her back turned towards him, staring blankly at the wall. At the sound of his voice, her eyes shut instantly, hot tears spilling from them. A painful, gut wrenching sob echoes through the room, bouncing on the walls. Carina holds both of her hands against her chest, almost clawing at her heart. Fred walks closer to her, not being able to stop himself as her pain cuts straight through him like Sectumsempra. "Darling," whispers the younger boy, wrapping his arms around her waist.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now