Ginger and Bacon (Warning: WTF moments)

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Peppa found herself within the basement of Sangwoo's house with a sleeping, small -looking boy. As she was studying the room and it's angles she decided that she was going full on Bacon-mode.

"SHREPPAISLOVE, SHREPPAISLIFE!" She roared as she grew 19284739192937 million feet tall.

The house suddenly smashed into small tiny little spaces with the whole world along with it. The pig screamed as she was into orbit into another timeline. In another life.


She woke up in the middle of a tall looking school at night. A tall, red-head man walked up to her and asked, "Hey you beautiful thing, wanna, ya know, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" He winked.

"Ooh yes, Daddy." She accepted in her very cailou-like voice.

He started ripping of her clothes, piece by piece, litterally. Archie took out a pair of scissors and ran them along the pig's skin once the clothese were off of her.

"Do you want to be the Bacon to my roasted mackeral?"

She looked over it for a moment, skeptical, before replying with a, "YES! PLEASE RONALD MCDONALD LOOKING ASS."

Archie's face looked as if he had seen a naked girl from the beach in the book of 'where's wolly?' and then said, "Ronald Mcdonald is sexy. I am too."

Archie then shoved his Big, juicy, 19 inch cock deep withon Peppa's solar system.

"Daddy's ready to play."

He started pounding into her with a frown on his face, looking as if he wasn't enjoying it, but deep inside, he wanted to devour her like the hungry beast he was, so he did.

Archie lifted Peppa off of his dick and swallowed her whole.


Sometimes I wonder why I do this and then I remember that I'm a fucking sinner.

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