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One chapter left🥺 omg We came so far! 😍

"I don't have time to play around. Get the hell out my way!" You snapped throwing blessed daggers at him.

A few left scratches on him, Steam came from the cuts. You held your wounded chest couching up black blood.

"HOW LONG HE'S BEEN THERE?!" You shouted as your crown glowed.

"18 years" he smirked.

You two ran towards at each other causing you to vanish the reappear behind him.

You stuck a sword in his skull hoping it'll be enough just to give you time to get your brother.

You put a blessed chains on his body then ran towards the lava pit.

You spilled your blood in it causing it to turn Into cole them break open.

You jumped in falling on top of your brothers cage. "K-kenpachi"

The sobs suddenly stopped. "Y/n? Y/N PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!"

You made a small knife and sliced your palm. You let it drop it front of the door. The cells door glowed then disappeared.

Your eyes met his coco brown ones. His curly white hair drooped covering his eyes as tears streamed down his face.

His wings sprouted from his back and picked you up. He seen the gaping hole in your chest and the life draining from your eyes.

He quickly flew out the pit before it lava came crashing down. He flew past you two father and made his way to the palace.

He lost control and fell at the palaces doors. You passed out as the servants pulled you two in.


You pushed your way out of the tank causing the water to fall out with you.

"My queen your not done!"

"W-where's Kenpachi?" You said holding your chest.

You looked around and seen he was in a tank next to you. You place your hands on it and smile.

"Prepare a power transfer tank, get him up- where are the two I came with?"

"The next room My Lady" the black mist said.

"Bring them over, after the power transfer, we'll be going back to the over world" you said following them to a different tank.

They laid your brother in the water then laid you in. As the water took over your awareness they closed the tank.

"What is she doing?!" Shigaraki asked stepping closer.

"She transferring her powers to her brother, the rightful king. But we have to hurry" the mist said activating the tank.

"Why in such a rush? Doesn't that make mistakes?" Shinso asked for his mom safety.

"She's on the verge of dying to no return, her and the baby"

Shinso and shigaraki eyes widened.

"Baby? Are you sure?" Shigaraki asked tearing up.

"Very, it was conceived a few days ago, demon babies grow a little faster she he'll be here in 6 months"

"He? How do you know the gender?" Shinso asked walking from shiggy.

"The tanks found it out, her blood type changed, and her succubus needs have been suppressed"

"Is he okay?" The mist asked as shiggy laid his head against your side of the tank.

Shinso shrugged his shoulders sitting against the wall. He brought his knees to his chest and laid his head on them.

He silently pried to a higher up for you to live and for the baby to live as well. He wants a little brother, to protect and teach.

Shigaraki was crying from past trauma and happiness. He wants to be a good father, but he doesn't know how and he doesn't want to disappoint you.

A few hours passed and you and your brother were fully healed and your demonic power transfer was complete. The only thing that stayed was your succubus side.

You and your brother rose from the tank of water. As you stretch out you felt your chest.

The wound is not gone. You smiled and shoved your brother into a hug. You two tugged around falling out of the tank.

As you and him laughed not wanting to let go but he did. He looked long into your face with the biggest smile.

"You look happy y/n" Shigaraki said coming back into the room.

"Kenpachi! Meet Tenko! Tenko meet my brother!" You said jumping in shiggy.

"Ew your clothes are wet. Nice meeting you, I'm your sisters baby father" he said causing you to freeze.

"B-Baby?!" You asked getting off him. You touch your stomach trying to feel any other sign of life.

"Oh my globs. Imma throw up."

"NOT ON ME!" Shinso shouted.

Okay guys, this is ending, part of it

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Okay guys, this is ending, part of it..!

Ending will be a little bitter sweet, but nothing bad!

I have decided to actually make a squeal, but a short one!

See you guys on the last chapter🤰🏾

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 (𝐓. 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now