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Your father cleared his throat as he muttered out an apology on your behalf to Commander Ren. The masked man said nothing, though he did transfer his attention from you to Commander (L/n). Having gathered his bearings and reclaimed control over his body, Kylo Ren stood and departed from the Command Shuttle. You attempted to stare straight forward without your vision blurring around the edges. Damn but were you still so hot. When Commander (L/n) stood from his seat, you clumsily followed suit and headed after him out of the vessel. The Finalizer was bustling with life, most individuals ignorant to the fact that you had just had an orgasm in full view of both your father and the Force user. You hoped things would remain that way, yet doubted it given the fact that the other two officers had undoubtedly known what was occurring.

"Perhaps you should retire to your quarters, Officer (L/n)," your father said tersely when the pair of you entered a corridor. Wincing, you did not object. Though phrased as a suggestion, you knew his words to be an order.

You broke off at the next intersection and headed for your quarters. The heat coursing through you was not letting up in the least. Due to this, you were all the more grateful that your father had sent you away. Commander (L/n) would have only been more embarrassed had you remained by his side, given the fact that you were failing to control your breathing. By the time you reached your room, your breaths were coming out in pants. This only increased when you noticed Kylo Ren was sitting upon a stool he had brought into your quarters.

Closing the door behind you, you initiated the locks so that the only way one could enter was for a code to override things. This would give you plenty of time should any of your superiors decide to pay you a visit—not that you suspected they would.

"Commander Ren," you shot out, quite pleased with yourself for managing to speak at all. You moved closer to the man, moving to straddle his waist. Your actions, however, were thwarted by his gloved hands seizing your hips and stilling you mid-action. Thus you allowed yourself to press down on his leg, which was between both of yours. Sitting upon his thigh, you shuddered at the added pressure on your clit. "Please tell me you aren't lying again. It's just two, right?"

"Yes..." His visor turned towards the bookcase you had in your room, directly to the erotica novel you had been reaching for the previous day when your father's arrival had altered your plans. "You will read first."

"Shit," you said, practically trembling as you forced yourself to stand on shaky legs. You shuffled towards the shelf, grabbed hold of the novel, and pulled it forward. You flipped to the first page.

"Undress as you read." How the hell was he able to sound so passive? You wondered if it was only due to the helmet then thought better of this assumption. Though he could have such emotional outbursts, he was in complete control of himself right then.

You set the open book upon the end of your bed. Peering down at the page, you started to read as you slowly but surely worked your pants down your hips, over your thighs, down your legs. Kylo Ren had stood from the stool. He was pacing back and forth like a predator stalking its prey, assessing you, listening to what you were saying. The sex happened in the second chapter, you remembered—the one Kylo Ren would be reading. Yet some of the foreplay occurred in the latter pages of the portion you were reading.

The heat between your legs increased when you arrived at that portion. You stumbled over a few of the words, having to break off to catch your breath. You still had your bra and panties on. You reached behind yourself, unhooking the former and sliding the straps down the lengths of your arms. You tossed the article of clothing away. Flustered by both what you were reading and the knowledge of your current state, you hooked both your thumbs into your panties, one on either side. You began to pull them down, feeling some of your wetness dripping and continuing to connect the material with your cunt until your panties relinquished their hold. Kylo Ren slipped a hand between your legs, and with a single finger he twirled your juices around the digit all the way up towards your pussy. He grazed the seam of his leather glove along you, teasing your swollen clit and prodding at your entrance.

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